Friday, May 31, 2019

sheeps :: essays research papers

BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- An American citizen was kidnapped along with the tierce Romanian journalists abducted Monday in Iraq, the U.S. State De incitement state Wednesday.Citing privacy laws, a State Department spokeswoman in Washington said she could not release more information, but called for the "immediate and safe recovery of all hostages in Iraq."The Romanians and an strange man appeared in a video that aired on the Arabic-language network Al-Jazeera Wednesday. It has not been substantiate whether the unidentified man is the American hostage.The four were shown sitting on a floor as two men -- their faces covered by traditional headscarves -- stood to the side, pointing guns at them.The three Romanians -- Marie Jeanne Ion, Sorin Dumitru Miscoci, and Eduard Ovidiu Ohanesian -- work for Prima TV. They were abducted Monday night. (Full story)Prima TV confirmed the three were in the hostage video. It did not know who the fourth individual was.The hostages appeared calm i n the video. At one point, Ion looked into the camera and said in English, "We bring been kidnapped."She then said there had been reports their hostage-takers "asked for something in exchange for our freedom. This is not true."In Romania, the Foreign Ministry and the main intelligence service have set up a team to investigate the abduction, and President Traian Basescu has expressed concern.Ions sister pleaded for her safe return."I implore you to do everything you can to bring my sister back home," Ana Maria Ion said in an interview on Romanian television. "She has no guilt. Our family is waiting for Marie Jeanne to be here, also all the others."The three were last heard from by the station nearly 745 p.m. Monday during a telephone conversation that was broadcast while they were apparently being abducted, an executive said.A cell phone text content also was sent that said "Please call the embassy urgently," a reference to Romanias Baghdad e mbassy.The Romanian ambassador to Iraq has collected the personal effects of the team, which had been in Iraq for three days and had been planning to stay for only five days, a Western source said.Seven civilians die in attacksInsurgents targeting U.S. forces killed seven civilians Wednesday, police said, during attacks in the Yankee city of Mosul and the Iraqi capital.A woman and child were among six killed in Mosul when insurgents fired on a U.S. military patrol in the northeastern part of the city, police said.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Pricey Game or Home Entertainment? Essay -- Sports, Venues, Base Ball

Throughout the United States sports has taken the consumer captive, by providing them with entertainment and pleasure. Sporting venues continues to rob their loyal fans by boosting the prices of slatings, merchandise, food, and beverages. Recently over the summer, I went to satisfy a baseball game being held at Dodgers Stadium and was horrified at the prices that I saw. My ticket alone was $40, at this price that put me estimable below the nosebleed section of the stadium. During the game I went to one of the vendors and was flabbergasted to see the price for a hot dog was $6.50 dollars, a drink was $3.75 and a side of fries for $4.25. Once I made my purchase I stood back and found myself feeling as if I had been cheated. The Dodgers made over $240 gazillion in revenue in 2010, why would they want to raise the prices of the franchise? Dodger stadium can hold over fifty thousand people, still they atomic number 18 continuing to rob fans with these head scratching prices. With th ese increasing prices more and more people have begun to stay at their dwellings to enjoy the game on their HD TV. Most people would choose to stay home near their refrigerator and watch the next game seeing as they have a slap-up view, comfortable seats, and free food. These prices are not only seen in baseball but also in other professional sport institutions. With the staggering reducing of the current economy, sports franchises need to realize the value of a dollar to its loyal fans, and the practicality to the average family looking for entertainment. Today the average cost of a baseball ticket is $19.85 compared to back in the 1950s being that the average ticket price was $1.54. This price fluctuation is due to the demand of the sport as well as, media focus, fake salary ... ...g events, the impoverished and lower class give be left out of the running. With the lowering of the economic stand point the all American traditions are failing to keep up with these desperate maga zines. In my opinion all sporting events have become commercial and media oriented, rather than just going to a game to have fun and to bond. In the past families would go every Sunday to a game because it was affordable, but at this day in time they cannot even attend one game. It makes one wonder what the future of the sporting world beholds for the future generations. Will sporting events become underground or will they slowly disappear? Will the world stop revolving around the constant money symbol? Being such an avid sports fan, as I am, I perceive the future of sports becoming business or corporate orientated rather than the all American pass time it was meant to be.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Identity in Tayeb Salih’s Season of Migration to the North :: Season Migration North

Identity in Tayeb Salihs Season of Migration to the NorthSeason of Migration to the North by Tayeb Salih tells the accounting of a man searching for an identity he was unaware he had lost. Through his growing under rest of Mustafa Saeeds life, the central timber eventually reconciles his own identity conflicts. Throughout Salihs novel the main characters identity is unclear. While the reader learns much about his background educational, familial, and professional, his name is never mentioned. A surname is used in reference to his family, but is never applied to him. In once instance he is referred to by another character as effendi (85). This phrase, however, is an Arabic title some equivalent to sir rather than a name. The central characters namelessness serves to focus attention on another character with whom he develops an uneasy friendship Mustafa Saeed. Mustafa entrusts the main character with his affairs after his death, including the key to a private chamber. When the cent ral character enters the mysterious room and uncovers Mustafas past, the identity conflict becomes apparent out of the darkness there emerged a frowning face with pursed lips that I knew but could not place. I moved towards it with hate in my heart. It was my adversary Mustafa Saeed. The face grew and I found myself standing face to face with myself. a picture of me frowning at my face from a mirror. (135)Several parallels are drawn between the central character and Mustafa Saeed. some(prenominal) speak English and had studied in London. Even though the central character had grown up in the village, his education and time abroad had do him as much an outsider as Saeed. Upon seeing his own reflection in the darkness, he believes it to be Mustafa, who he had grown to despise. As he moves side by side(predicate) to the object of his hatred, he discovers that he is standing face to face with himself. Mustafa represents to him all that he despises in himself.

Essay --

And lawfully by this the Jew may claim a pound of flesh, to be by him cut off adjacent the merchants heart. Be merciful. (IV. 1. 231-233). Throughout the trial scene, despite the heavy tension in the air, a subtle, reoccurring idea floated in and lingered. It was the idea for shylock to plant Antonio mercy. However, the Jew disregarded it. Yet, Portia managed was to show the court that Shylock fiercely wanted the Law upheld. The figure of the Law and the grace of Mercy clashes as the course of the trial progresses.Consumed by determination to encourage his bond, Shylock found the thought of showing mercy to the merchant ridiculous. The Duke said to Shylock, Shylock, the world thinks, and I think so too, that thou but leadest this fashion of thy rancor to the last hour of act and then tis thought thoult show thy mercy and remorse more strange than is thy strange apparent cruelty. (IV. 1. 17-21). To this, the Jew responded Youll ask me, why I rather choose to have a weight of car rion flesh than to receive three thousand ducats Ill not answer that but, say, it is my humor is it answerd? (IV. 1. 40-43). The Duke many a propagation asked the Jew to show mercy, and only that, nothing more and nothing less. Blinded by wrath, Shylock ferociously made it clear to the court, even before Portias appearance, that he wanted his bond. Showing mercy was out of the question. At that point, the grace of mercy had long disappeared from Shylocks mind. The thought of ridding Antonio, the great merchant of Venice, from his hair replaced it. Shylock anticipated seeing red. It was all he could think about seeing Antonios crimson flesh as he cut it off without perplexity and in the absence of grace. The Jew wanted the Law, his side of the La... ... drop of Christian blood, thy lands and goods are, by the laws of Venice, confiscate unto the state of Venice. (IV. 1. 307-312). Shylock demanded he wanted the law, and Portia made sure to set apart him exactly what he wanted. The tables turned on Shylock he was advised to practice mercy and now he has to beg for it.Throughout the trial scene, the intent of the Law and the grace of Mercy constantly clashed, as judgment on the bond was determined. Shylock entered the courtroom a confident man with an apt for revenge, though left a man stripped of everything away from him except the clothes on his back. Mercy was asked of the Jew, many times before the intent of the Law was twist against him. His determination and refusal to show grace ultimately caused his demise. Portia pitted the intent of Law against him and the end, the grace of Mercy was bestowed upon Shylock.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Miller :: essays research papers

Throughout history people have enjoyed a democracy which basically puts the mode that society runs in the hands of the people who live in it. In the essay Severing the Human Connection by H. Bruce Miller in that take note is a valid argument that our society has turned for the worse. In the past our society has expected everyone to behave in a manner which benefits everyone in it, everyone should respect and cherish the freedom and therefore the freedom should stay. But as we all see and experience every day there is a strong headache of detection and punishment which becomes the only deterrent of crime. Pre-paid gas stations, burglar alarms in every house, guards everywhere, anti-shoplifting tags etc. People tend to behave pretty much the way others expect them to behave. And, as stated in the essay, if the prevailing assumption is that people are crooks more and more of them will be crooks. Because our society treats everyone like a criminal our society has become harsh, unfe eling, paranoid, and punitive. The human connection has been severed.A society, which assumes its members are honest, tends to be more human and comfortable for the people who live in it. As we drive down the streets of our respected cities we have to solicitude about certain things like Is my seatbelt on? Does my license plate show 100%? Am I driving within the five mile per hour cushion of the speed limit? Etc. And as we wonder about all these things we pass cops left(p) and right who are just waiting for someone to mess up or be suspected of DWI or car theft or something make up worse. Is it just me or is it annoying to see a selected few criminals who do break the laws ruin it for the rest of us who dont. Now we have to worry about making small mistakes, which is very uncomfortable to most of us, and sometimes can lead to bigger problems. Society can and does execute its own mandates and if it issues falsely mandates instead of right, or any mandates at all in things with wh ich it ought not to meddle, it practices a social tyranny more formidable than many kinds of political oppression, since, though not usually upheld by such extreme penalties, it leaves fewer means of escape, penetrating much more deeply into the details of life, and enslaving the soul itself.

Miller :: essays research papers

Throughout history battalion have enjoyed a democracy which basic altogethery puts the way that society runs in the hands of the people who live in it. In the essay Severing the Human Connection by H. Bruce Miller there is a valid argument that our society has turned for the worse. In the yesteryear our society has expected everyone to behave in a manner which benefits everyone in it, everyone should respect and cherish the freedom and therefore the freedom should stay. But as we all see and experience every day there is a strong fear of detection and punishment which becomes the only deterrent of crime. Pre-paid gas stations, burglar alarms in every house, guards everywhere, anti-shoplifting tags etc. People tend to behave pretty much the way others expect them to behave. And, as stated in the essay, if the prevailing assumption is that people be crooks more and more of them will be crooks. Because our society treats everyone like a criminal our society has become harsh, unfeeli ng, paranoid, and punitive. The human connection has been severed.A society, which assumes its members are honest, tends to be more human and comfortable for the people who live in it. As we drive down the streets of our respected cities we have to worry about legitimate things like Is my seatbelt on? Does my license plate show 100%? Am I driving within the five mile per hour cushion of the quicken limit? Etc. And as we wonder about all these things we pass cops left and right who are just waiting for someone to mess up or be suspected of DWI or car theft or something even worse. Is it just me or is it annoying to see a selected few criminals who do break the laws ruin it for the rest of us who dont. Now we have to worry about making small mistakes, which is very uncomfortable to most of us, and sometimes can lead to bigger problems. Society can and does execute its own mandates and if it issues wrong mandates instead of right, or any mandates at all in things with which it ought non to meddle, it practices a social tyranny more formidable than many kinds of political oppression, since, though not usually upheld by such extreme penalties, it leaves fewer heart and soul of escape, penetrating much more deeply into the details of life, and enslaving the soul itself.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Psychology in the News Essay

Adolescent has always been considered a period of experimentation and risk taking. It is a time when teenagers become extremely awake of themselves and their bodies, leading to problems with regard to body image, self-esteem and negative emotions in general. One disturbing trend in the American society is adolescent self-annihilation. In June 2009, watchword item published in the San Jose Mercury news website (www. mercurynews. com) tackled the harsh reality of this grave problem surrounding the tumultuous years of the adolescent Americans.Fisher started with an draw of teen suicide (Fisher 2009). After two consecutive student suicides at Gunn High School, a community forum was held to give assistance to teens bombarded with problems and in the process, avoid committing suicide (2009). During the forum held at Cubberly Community Center, the Palo Alto community tried to knock the answers on how to avoid teen suicide and at the very least, find reasoning on the schools successive suicides.Citing figures from the National Institute of Mental Health, Fisher expressed that teen suicide poses a greater bane to children than swine flu (Fisher 2009). She also noted the result of a one survey which estimates that 1 in 12 students had taken a shot (no pun intended) at suicide in the past year (2009). While the figures ar alarming most especially to the parents, Fisher argued that no significant solutions have been placed. Community forums and counsellor are the usual steps laid to alleviate this problem (2009).While there are warning signs that parents and teachers may detect, such as alcohol and drug abuse and changes in attitudes towards schools and other relationships, Fisher remarked that such signs may sometimes be hard to detect or overlooked upon, thus making it harder to interrupt suicide (2009). Fisher ended by voicing out concerns over when the community would start getting serious about teen depression and suicide (2009). The news item is indeed, as the author opined, a wake-up call on the gravity of teen depression and suicide. As a future parent, it is a incur for alarm for this author.If the current situation cannot be changed, if the number of teen depression and suicide continue to soar, it go away be harder for future parents and children to get to the bottom of it. Now, the statistics are already startling, what more ten years from now? Everyone should remember that the youth is the future generation but if the future generation is constantly plagued with depression and suicide, how will they lead the nation? It is something that everyone should take seriously. The news item related to psychology on two things first, it covers a period in the life span phylogenesis of individuals, that of the adolescent.It is a time when an individual undergoes physical changes as well as personality and social development. It is a transition phase when the individual is no semipermanent a child but not yet an adult. It covers human development, which falls under developmental psychology, the study of changes in people from birth through onetime(a) age. . Second, the news item relates adolescence with a harsh developmental problem, which is suicide. It has been known that suicidal behavior among adolescents is linked to psychological problems such as depression, drug abuse and riotous behavior.As such, they are directly related to the field of psychology. As aforementioned, depression is a leading cause of suicidal behavior and depression, as everyone knows, is a common mood disorder. It is important to bring to light the issue of teen depression and suicide, not only to treat it but to prevent it in the first place. As the author of the news item said, it does not take two or more suicidal incidents to take the problem seriously. Work Cited Fisher, Patty. Teen suicide unavoidably Attention. San Jose Mercury News. June 2009. 3 August 2009 http//www. mercurynews. com/ci_12523782? nclick_check=1

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Hinduism and Spiritual Significance Diwali

Diwali is an important festival for Hindus. The name of festive sidereal days as well as the rituals of Diwali castrate significantly among Hindus, based on the region of India. In many parts of India, the festivities start with Dhanteras, followed by Naraka Chaturdasi on second day, Diwali on the third day, Diwali Padva dedicated to wife- husband relationship on the fourth day, and festivities end with Bhau-beej dedicated to sister- fellow bond on the fifth day.Dhanteras usu anyy falls eighteen days after Dussehra. On the like night that Hindus celebrateDiwali, Jains celebrate a festival of wilds to mark the attainment of moksha by Mahavira , Sikhs similarly celebrate Bandi Chhor Divas, and Arya Samajists celebrate Shardiya Nav- Shasyeshti. Diwali is an official holiday in India , Nepal , Sri Lanka , Myanmar , Mauritius, Guyana , Trinidad and Tobago, Suriname , Malaysia , capital of Singapore and Fiji. Diwali is one of the happiest of holidays, with significant preparations.Peo ple clean their homes and decorate them for the festivities. Diwali is one of the biggest shopping seasons in India people buy new clothes forthemselves and their families, gifts, appliances, kitchen utensils, small to big ticket items much(prenominal) as cars and gold jewellery. People also buy gifts for family members and friends which typically includes sweets, dry fruits and seasonal specialities depending on regional harvest and customs. It is also the period when little kids picture quaint stories, legends, myths and battle between good and evil, light and darkness from their parents and elders. Girls and women go shopping, and create rangoli and other creative patterns on floors, near doors and walkways.Youth and grown ups graduate to percentage with lighting and preparing for patakhe (fireworks). There is significant variation in regional practices and rituals. Depending on the region, prayers are offered before one or more deities, with most common cosmos Lakshmi the goddess of wealth and prosperity. On Diwali night, fireworks light up the neighborhood skies. Later, family members and invited friends celebrate the night over food and swe Spiritual implication Diwali is celebrated by Hindus, Jains and Sikhs to mark historical events, stories or myths, but they all spiritually mark thevictory of light over darkness, knowledge over ignorance, good over evil, hope over despair.In the Yoga, Vedanta , and Samkhya schools of Hindu philosophy, a central belief is that there is something beyond the physical body and mind which is pure, infinite, and eternal, called the Atman . The celebration of Diwali as the victory of good over evil, refers to the light of higher knowledge dispelling all ignorance, the ignorance that masks ones true nature, not as the body, but as the unchanging, infinite, immanent and transcendent reality. With this awakeningcomes compassion and the awareness of the oneness of all things, and knowledge overcomes ignorance.Diwali is the celebration of this Inner Light over spiritual darkness, knowledge over ignorance, right over wrong, good over evil Religious significance in Hinduism The religious significance of Diwali varies regionally within India, depending on the school of Hindu philosophy, regional myths, legends and beliefs. Many see Diwali honouring the return of the hero Rama, his wife Sita and his brother Lakshmana from exile, as told in the ancient Hindu epic called the Ramayana.To some, Diwali marks the return of Pandavas after 12 years of Vanvas and one year of agyatavas in the other ancient Hindu epic called the Mahabharata . Many other Hindus believe Diwali is linked to the celebration of Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and prosperity, and wife of deity Vishnu. The five day festival of Diwali begins on the day Lakshmi was born from the churning of cosmic ocean of milk during the tug of war between the forces of good and forces of evil the night of Diwali is the day Lakshmi chose Vishnu as her hus band and because married him.Some Hindusoffer pujas to additional or alternate deities such as Kali, Ganesha, Saraswati, and Kubera. Other Hindus believe that Diwali is the day Vishnu came back to Lakshmi and their abode in the Vaikuntha so those who venerate Lakshmi receive the benefit of her good mood, and therefore are blessed with mental, physical and material well-being during the year ahead. In Indias eastern region, such as westward Bengal , Lakshmi is not worshipped, only deity Kali is worshipped and the festival is called Kali Puja. In Indias Braj and north central regions, deity Krishna is recognized.People mark Mount Govardhan, and celebrate legends approximately Krishna. In other regions, the feast of Annakoot is celebrated, with 56 or 108 different cuisines prepared, offered to Krishna, then shared and celebrated by the local community. In West, South and certain Union parts of India, the festival of Diwali marks the start of a new Hindu year. Along with Goddess La kshmi, offerings are made to Ganesha who symbolizes ethical beginnings and fearless remover of obstacles Saraswati who symbolizes music, literature and learning and Kubera who symbolizes handwriting keeping, treasury and wealth management.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Growing Up Digital; Wired for Distractions.

It is globally accepted that the Internet has become a milestone in almost all walk of life, enabling us to get instant and free interaction with the external dynamic world. Nevertheless, the great impact of the Internet on the youth cadaver a moot question. Growing up in the digital information era, the Net Generation has a crazy passion for the new social media communication platformscell phones, blogs, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.The concerned p atomic number 18nts are beset with worries that their kids digital immersion has obviously led to their habitual distraction, which will directly make an adverse event on their learning. ? ?Vishal Singh, the hero of this article, is surely an exact example of the Digital Natives, who are really lured by the digital realm. Hes totally indulged in devising music digital videos and talented in filmmaking, seemingly, his future career. However, it is a pity that he lacks the self-control, which has led to his distractions in learning.It s greatly touching how his parents wont put roadblocks in his way and are willing to help him to achieve his dream of filmmaking. Additionally, deeply admirable, David Reilly, principal of Woodside High School where Vishal is studying, who sympathizes with his students and is generous adequacy to build a multimedia center to encourage them to display their digital wit. Markus Dworak, the Harvard neuroscientist who led the brainwave pattern experiments on 12 to 14 year olds, came up with some eye-opening results. When you look at vocabulary and look at huge stimulus after that, your brain has to decide which information to store, he said. Your brain ability favor the emotionally stimulating information over the vocabulary. By this he means that emotionally charged stimuli would always conquer lesser information. Matt Richtel uses examples of students who are growing up with digital technologies and, as they acknowledge themselves, the technology is taking them away from studying. Many parents buy a laptop to their offspring for education. In reality, it is a tool for entertainment and source of distraction.Seans statement that he sometimes wishes that his parents would force him to quit playing and study is quite shocking. In addition, many teachers attempt in the battle with iPods, text messaging, You-Tube or games to win the interest of the young generation. The attitude of Mr. Reilly meet them on their turf as he teaches an audio kinsfolk to students who are at risk of tuning out school. He is not saying that Vishal would get to filmmaking based purely on his portfolio, but he encourages him to master his academic skills too If youre going to write scripts, youve got to read. ? Perhaps, Dr. Richs speech Reclaiming Childhood from the river of Electronic Screens will inspire a movement. When it comes to digital distraction, its up to the young individual to determine if its becoming a problem. Indicators like low grade point, isolation, and weight gain a re on the button some and they are there for a reason. If these dont provide enough motivation to improve focus and prioritize then there index be more underlying, deep seated, issues that need to be dealt with and should involve parents.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Controversy on the Mixing of African and Cuban Culture Essay

The personal narratives, Afrocubanismo and Son by Robin Moore, Dance and Social Change, Rumba by Yvonne Daniel, and Buena purview Social Club by Dir. Wim Wenders offer an extensive look at the Afro-Cuban music and dance. Moore writes his article based on the Son. Son is a mixture of African and Spanish influence. Daniel in two of her articles talks some rumba, which is a dance and music genre that originated in Cuba in the mid 1800s. She talks about the disparate kinds of rumba, which are the Yambu, the Guaguaco, and the vacunao.Wenders is providing us with an image of how Cuban musicians play their music, providing us with some the most popular songs from Cuba. Thousands of African slaves were brought to Cuba, and although treated like animals, their music has had a major(ip) influence on Cuban that any other type of music from other countries, creating a bond between both cultures. I found wholly three articles very informative. Moore, Daniel, and Wenders exposed a number of n ew information into my mind, and maybe into any other individual that didnt had much knowledge about Cuban music and dance.As an example, I hadnt thought about the fact that after much discrimination against Africans, they were going to end up potpourri their music and dance with African music and dance. I really like the fact that Cubans ended up accepting part of Africans Culture. Although, we see that the government in many occasion prohibited the people to play the Son and many other influences from African Culture, it was not enough from them to stop the people from mixing both cultures. We also see in Buena Vista Social Club a man who brings together a group of mostly aging and forgotten artists.I dont like the fact that political events and social issues have played a role in the segregation of these artists. I dont believe that those people should have been discriminated in such way just because they were mixing both cultures. As the slaves were able to buy their freedom an increased interaction and ethnic mixing among Cubans and Africans was the result. As I was reading that both cultures began to combine, it came to my mind that African people really have a nice heart because by uniting with Cubans they are demonstrating that they had forgiven all the suffering they went through.An example of they unity is the son, and the different kinds of rumba mentioned by Daniel and Moore. We see that the people that were coming together were mostly from running(a) class Cubans and Africans. I find it shameful that most rich people werent accepting African culture, and to make it worse ended up do people like those musicians that we see in Buena Vista to be forgotten. In reading Daniels articles, I was able to see how people enjoy leaping rumba and many other kinds of dances. And how people especially among the working class uses move and music as a way to blow off steamer and have fun.Now, I can see why African were always dancing and singing, because tha t way they could forget about the pain and suffering that they were going through. I didnt like the fact that the government was calling most of the dancing and music from Africa immortal. I dont believe that it was appropriated to call their dancing that way. In conclusion, although there was a lot of controversy on the mixing of both cultures, it wasnt enough to stop the people from mixing it. It was like a destiny meant by God to mix those cultures, to create not just Afro-Cuban culture, but Cuban Culture.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Introduction to Communication Skills Essay

Doing this involves effort from both the sender of the capacity and the manslayer. And its a process that can be fraught with error, with messages practically misinterpreted by the recipient. When this isnt detected, it can cause tremendous confusion, wasted effort and missed opportunity. In fact, communication is only successful when both the sender and the receiver understand the same information as a result of the communication.By successfully getting your message across, you convey your thoughts and ideas effectively. When not successful, the thoughts and ideas that you convey do not necessarily reflect your own, causing a communications breakdown and creating roadblocks that stand in the way of your goals both personally and professionally. In a recent watch of recruiters from companies with more than 50,000 employees, communication skills were cited as the single more important decisive factor in choosing managers.The survey, conducted by the University of Pittsburghs Katz Business School, points out that communication skills, including pen and oral presentations, as well as an ability to work with others, are the main factor contributing to job success. In spite of the increasing splendor placed on communication skills, many individuals continue to struggle with this, unable to communicate their thoughts and ideas effectively whether in verbal or written format.This inability makes it more or less impossible for them to compete effectively in the workplace, and stands in the way of career progression. Getting your message across is paramount to progressing. To do this, you must understand what your message is, what audience you are sending it to, and how it will be perceived. You must also weigh-in the circumstances surrounding your communications, such as situational and cultural context.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Is It Love? Essay

Jazmine M Hawkins Georgia Perimeter College Abstract This paper explores the findings of multiple exploreers theories of manage? It breaks down what we back tooth be classified as passionate have intercourse and compassionate love? What does love have to do with your attention span? Some researches define love scientific bothy saying that love is a production of a mixture of horm wizs and chemical reactants while others say love is self-defined and fundament only be Judged by a person. Also what type of people does love effect? This paper will break down the findings of these questions.Also what are the psychological effects on not existence love and what elation does the topic have upon me. We spend our lives craving it, searching for it, and talking about it. Its meaning is felt more than it is clearly expressed. Its called the greatest virtue. Its what we call love. So what exactly is love? In scientific terms love is a mixture of sexual hormones and chemical reactions. Ev eryone else may view love as deep intimacy or alliance to somewhatone. Either commission love is a phenomenon that continues to get researched today. What should you look for in defining love?My interest arose to this subject when I started to question myself with preceding(a) relationships. Ill fall head over heels for a guy and the first plan that came to mind was that Im in love. When that doesnt work out I would move on to the next guy, things all go well and all of sudden I feel that sense of love again? I begin to question myself? Is this Just a repetition of petty young feelings? sight love be so simple that it substructure give over and over again? How do I know if its really love, and what is the bearing of falling or being in love.How would we characterize love today, well its simple. Like vs. Loving. As you know the nature of love has been explored by a figure of theorists. Social psychologist Zick Rubin was one of the first researchers to develop and instrumen t de indicationed to specifically to measure love. According to Rubin, romantic love is made up of three elements one of them being attachment. Attachment is the need to be cared for and be with the other person. Physical contact and approval are also authorized components of attachment.This is a feeling that I always felt when Im in one of my relationships. I was always finding myself call foring to be with my significant other all the time, zero point or no one could interfere with that. The question that may arouse ere is it that a sign of attachment or obsession, can this be a sign of love. The next element is caring, which is valuing the other persons happiness and needs as much as your own. This too was also a federal agent of my past relationships. I wanted to see y other smile as much as me, but isnt this something that a lot of people want?Is this really a main factor of being in love? The third element is intimacy, Sharing private fancys, feelings, and desires with th e other person. In my relationships this is one thing that I lacked. Although I have no problem with sharing deep thoughts and intimacy I felt that my partner did. Is this why I question the thought of love so much, be relieve oneself I felt I was receiving what I was giving? Other theories have also been put into place Psychologist Elaine Hatfield has described two divers(prenominal) types of love, compassionate love and passionate love.Compassionate love involves feelings of mutual respect, trust and affection, while passionate love involves intense feelings and sexual attraction. Hatfield describes passionate love as such A state of intense longing for union with another. Passionate love is a complex plyal whole including appraisals or appreciations, subjective eelings, expressions, copy physiological processes, action tendencies, and instrumental behaviors. Reciprocated love (union with the other) is associated with fulfillment and ecstasy.Unrequited love (separation) with em ptiness, anxiety, or despair. In other words passionate love can sometimes blind whats really there in a relationship. For example when my and my ex would argue over the phone it would get really intense, I would say I hate you , he would say he hates me and things come crashing down. Once, however when we unite again all that goes away. A simple hug, iss or anything can make those entire rash feelings go away completely. Having a passionate love connection may not be as emotional as compassionate love but in fact it still is love.There are a view factors that affect passionate and compassionate love. One being Timing, you have to be ready to fall in love that is essential. Its been many situations where I had to pass up a relationship simple cause I wasnt ready to fall in love again. The next is early attachment styles. Secure attachment individuals normally have a deeper love connection while those who are anxious lovers tend to all in and out of love quickly. After finding this I quickly discovered a main problem with my love patterns. Im anxiousOnce I start a relationship Im always anticipating what would happen in my next relationship or how can I do things differently in another relationship. We will discuss more of this later. The third factor is Similarity. This basically means that we tend to fall deeper in love with someone who is as good looking personable or affectionate as we are. A since of completion is what I like to call it. When falling in love with someone you want it to be a person that completes you. I find myself not feeling completed in my relationships which is why I may tend to move on quickly.While passionate love is intense, researchers have looked at how relationships nonplus among new couples, newlyweds and those married for a longer time noticed that while passionate love is more intense at the beginning of relationships, it tends to fade way to compassionate love which focuses on intimacy and commitment. Passionate love may be q uick to fade, but compassionate love is forever. There are some contradictions that may cloud your Judgments on love. Can passionate Judgments cloud your compassionate Judgments? Those feelings that you think you have may not really be there.You may be so physically attracted to your lover that you may settle for unacceptable behaviors in your relationship. Another contradiction is attention. Attention refers to how we actively process specific information place in our environment. Youre attention span can deeply affect your judgment on love. It also has something to do with anxiousness, its a close relation. in the end is your attachment style which I mentioned before. As you know attachment is a special emotional relationship that involves an exchange of comfort, care, and pleasure.John Bowlby devoted extensive research to the concept of attachment, describing it as a lasting psychological connectedness between human beings. Bowlby shared the psychoanalytic that early experienc es in childhood have an important influence on development and behavior later in life. Our early attachment styles are established in childhood through the infant relationship. Characteristics of attachment include proximity maintenance which is the desire to be near people that we are attached to. Safe haven, which is returning to the attachment fgure for comfort and safety in the face of a fear or threat.Secure base which is how the ttachment figure acts as a base of security from which the child can explore the surround environment. And lastly separation distress, anxiety that occurs in the absence of the attachment fgure.http// and Blood GodPage not found St. Michael and All Angelswindow._wpemojiSettings = baseUrlhttps// aggregate/emoji/11/72x72/,ext.png,svgUrlhttps//,svgExt.svg,sourceconcatemojihttp//saintmichaelepiscopa role(a,b,c)function d(a,b)var c=String.fromCharCodel.clearRect(0,0,k.width,k.height),l.fillText(c.apply(this,a),0,0)var d=k.toDataURL()l.clearRect(0,0,k.width,k.height),l.fillText(c.apply(this,b),0,0)var e=k.toDataURL()return d===efunction e(a)var bif(ll.fillText)return1switch(l.textBaseline=top,l.font=600 32px Arial,a)caseflagreturn(b=d(55356,56826,55356,56819,55356,56826,8203,55356,56819))&&(b=d(55356,57332,56128,56423,56128,56418,56128,56421,56128,56430,56128,56423,56128,56447,55356,57332,8203,56128,56423,8203,56128,56418,8203,56128,56421,8203,56128,56430,8203,56128,56423,8203,56128,56447),b)caseemojireturn b=d(55358,56760,9792,65039,55358,56760,8203,9792,65039),breturn1function f(a)var c=b.createElement(script)c.src=a,c.defer=c.type=text/javascript,b.getElementsByTagName(head)0.appendChild(c)var g,h,i,j,k=b.createElement(canvas),l=k.getContext&&k.getContext(2d)for(j=Array(flag,emoji),c.supports=everything0,everythingExceptFl ag0,i=0i

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Tomorrow is a Fresh Start

Any day has the opportunity to be a good one as well as some(prenominal) day has the opportunity to be a bad one. Each individual day is on its own, having no relation to any previous day. Those days where it just keeps dragging on, and you cant wait for the sunniness to rise in the first light to have a fresh vary. This alarming day has finall(a)y come to an end, but nothing picks you up more than the daybreak the next morning. The morn is saying that it is a unsanded day, and is giving you an opportunity to either put the previous day behind you, or keep it with you and make the most out of your past experiences.Even though we look at the sunrise as just the sun rising above the horizon, there is often more to this action that not only affects us day to day, but for a lifetime. There are many times where you are not looking forward to the sunrise the next morning. It could be because of a big project delinquent the next day, a test, or just going on with your unamusing l ife. Going to school is a big part in not wanting to experience up in the morning. You may think that you are the only one who dreads waking up and having to take three tests, then run around the middle school for 25 minutes, but youre not alone.Many themes come into your mind on trying to figure out why you have to take these actions. You ask yourself when depart I ever use algebra in real life, why do I need to know what the 17th amendment is, or wonder what good it departing do to know the capital of Zimbabwe. eitherone is forced to take these actions whether or not you think they are necessary. If laying in your bed for days was an option, allone would take the effortless road out. Some people go with this option and end up not making anything of themselves, because they are lazy and avoid any sort of challenge.Those who postulate to get up, know where they would rather be, but are accepting any future challenges. When you finally do decide to get up in the morning and see the sunrise, you get that feeling in your gut that is really hoping for the day to just be over. Many emotions can come from the action of the sun rising, which happens every 24 hours. You know that there is nothing you can do to stop it, but will do everything in your power to avoid it. A sunrise can and should be looked at as a positive action.. It can be looked at as other day to add to your accomplishments, or to start over on a clean slate.When you wake up in the morning and the sun is slowly rising, an excitement occurs as the tonic day is approaching. Every day comes with a new challenge. This could be a big test, a championship game, or something as simple as buying a new dress for a special occasion. Many people are afraid . Some of these obstacles you may want to avoid or pass on to another day, but the sunrise is helping you conquer that obstacle. As the day of October 29th was coming to an end, I could not wait for the the sun to rise. There was so much that was go ing on the next day. I could barely sleep all I wanted was it to be the next day.When the sun finally rose, my birthday had arrived. I jumped out of my bed in excitement because this day had all the right tools to be perfect. I had a big soccer game going on, a nice lunch made for me, and no big test or quizzes going on during the day. Everything was going great until I looked outside for a moment. The sun was gone, and the moon had taken its place. I didnt want this day to end. I was unsure on what the next day would lead to. As I thought about the day coming to an end more, I realized that the unknowingness is the best part of a new day.It may be bad, but I will never know what will happen unless I accept the sunrise. I woke up the next morning unamused to start the new day, knowing that it will not compare to the what had happened yesterday. But I did go in with an open mind, and ended up receiving hand fulls of candy. Not only was is Halloween, but the day had a positive vibe to it, that I never wouldve expected. If I had keep my mind in the past and only focused on what had happened the day before, none of this couldve happened. champion specific sunrise that not only myself but everyone involved had mixed feelings about is the day of and after graduation.We have seen our peers go through it, and never imagined ourselves cosmos in that situation. Some will look at the sunrise as it all coming to an end, and others will look at it as a new beginning. I am unsure on what my reaction will be when this day comes but know that I am forever grateful for everything that I have learned prior to this anticipated sunrise. This is one that can not be avoided, no matter how hard you try. When the sun rises on that perfect night, all of our lives will change. It wont be instantly, but over time that sunrise will forever affect how we are as people.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Historical linguistics Essay

philology is the scientific field of view of human manner of speaking.12345 Linguistics can be broadly broken into three categories or subfields of hit the books language form, language meaning, and language in context. The earliest known activities in descriptive philology have been attributed toPini around 500 BCE, with his analysis of Sanskrit in Ashtadhyayi.6One subfield of linguistics is the study of language structure, or grammar. This focuses on the system of rules followed by the users of a language. It includes the study of morphology (the formation and composition of words), phrase structure (the formation and composition of phrases and sentences from these words), and phonology (sound systems).Phonetics is a link branch of linguistics concerned with the actual properties of mother tongue sounds and nonspeech sounds, and how they are produced and perceived. The study of language meaning is concerned with how languages employ logical structures and real-world reference s to convey, process, and assign meaning, as tumesce as to manage and resolve ambiguity.This category includes the study of semantics (how meaning is inferred from words and concepts) and pragmatics (how meaning is inferred from context). Linguistics excessively looks at the broader context in which language is influenced by cordial, cultural, historical and political factors.This includes the study of evolutionary linguistics, which investigates into questions related to the origins and growth of languages historical linguistics, which explores language change sociolinguistics, which looks at the relation between linguistic variation and social structurespsycholinguistics, which explores the representation and function of language in the mind neurolinguistics, which looks at language processing in the psyche language acquisition, on how children or adults acquire language and discourse analysis, which involves the structure of texts and conversations.Although linguistics is the scientific study of language, a number of other intellectual disciplines are relevant to language and intersect with it.Semiotics, for example, is the general study of signs and symbols both within language and without. Literary theorists study the use of language in literature. Linguistics additionally draws on and informs work from such diverse fields as acoustics, anthropology, biology,computer science, human anatomy, informatics, neuroscience, philosophy, psychology, sociology, and speech-language pathology.Prev Page

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Gryphon: Teacher and Baxter

Gryphon is a short story about women. Author showed 2 types of women. The first type represented by the teacher, and the second type represented by the narrators commence. The teacher represents women who are free and not restricted by family. She was not married, she traveled in position to explore the cosmea, and she was well educated, while narrators mother was a typically housewife dependant on her husband and predestined to full- epoch mothering at home (Rich, 1996) In the first paragraph is presented set down Ferenczi a vary teacher.Unlike other boring normal substitute teachers, who provided easeful class day, and nervously covered real(a) (Baxter, p. 15)into the class came woman they had never seen. She was no special age but her face had two swelled lines, descending vertically from the sides of her mouth to her chin. I knew where I had seen those lines before Pinocchio. They were marionette lines (Baxter, 2010). As she walks to the chalkboard, picking up pieces o f white and green chalk, she draws a large oak tree on the left side of the blackboard saying the class take aims this tree in it. Then she told the class about her royal Hungarian ancestor.She was proud of her mother being a famous pianist who succeeded her first concert in capital of the United Kingdom for ? crowned heads. The substitute teachers behavior and personality surprised her students because she was strange. She was different from their mothers, which were uneducated housewives school term silently at the concealment of the room, doing her knitting. (Baxter, 2010) Narrators mother face and hairstyle always reminded other nation of Betty Crocker, whose picture was framed inside a gigantic spoon on the side of the Bisquick box (Baxter, 2010). For him his mother face just looked white (Baxter, 2010).She always had chores to do she was only interested in cleaning and cooking. She did not participate in the life of her son, she really did not talk to him, she just comman d. They only have time for talking when the father gets home (Baxter, 2010). Every involvement has to be prepared before the Lords coming home. For her the most important thing was to clean up before dinner (Baxter, 2010). The diamond is one symbol that helps to convey this theme. According to escape Ferenczi diamond s are magic and this is why women wear them on their fingers, as a patsy of the magic womanhood (Baxter, 2010).Every young fille dreams of a fairy-tale prince and to live happily ever after. In the instinct of young women is a deeply rooted compulsion to join. Women have married because it was necessary, in order to stretch forth economically, in order to have children who would not suffer economic deprivation or social banishment. (Rich, 1996) In a really life it turns out that matrimony is a trap. Men manifest a male power and treat the institution of marriage and motherhood as unpaid production (Rich, 1996). They keep in women physically and prevent their mo vement (Rich, 1996).Also narrators mother was in this kind of trap. She touched the back of her hand to my forehead and I felt her diamond ring against my skin (Baxter, 2010). The diamond in the world was cursed and had killed everyone who owned it, and that by trick of fate it was called the Hope diamond (Baxter, 2010). The same as marriage could kill womens creativeness and their independence. Definition of male pursuits as more valuable than womanly indoors any culture, so that cultural values become the embodiment of male subjectivity restriction of female self- fulfillment to marriage and motherhood. Rich, 1996) In an attempt to show the restriction of female self- fulfillment to marriage and motherhood (Rich, 1996) Miss Ferenczi predicted the future of their students using a tarot. Predictions are shown to be different for girls and boys. In the girls future she did not see higher education but she saw an early marriage, some children and tasks of housewife life, while in boys future travel, late marriage and maybe a good life (Baxter, 2010). It is a proof that the situation of women is the same for many generations regardless of time, place and culture. In the short story Gryphon were shown two women and two styles of life.A common part for these two women is just sex. The substitute teacher was as the fabulous beast gryphon with the head and wings of an eagle and the body of a lion (Baxter, 2010) meanwhile a narrators mother was like a most women, who need men as social and economic protectors. Work Cited Charles Baxter. Gryphon. Literature Reading, Reacting, Writing. Laurie G. Kirszner and Stephen R. Mandel (7th Edition). Boston Wadsworth, 2010. 242-253. Print. Adriane Rich authoritative Heterosexuality and Lesbian Existence. Feminism and Sexuality. Jackson E. Scott (1996).

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Effects of Pollution Damage on the Environment Essay

Pollution is the induction of harmful material or by-products complete into the earths environment. Pollution is one of the foremost worrys in America and the world today. Pollution restoration the environment and human health. Pollution has caused a multitude of problems ranging from healthcare issues like lung tail assemblycer to the current problem of the green house effect. Pollution is everywhere and humankind persists on living with this problem. What rational is behind this amiss(p) persistence?Automobiles are unquestionably the leading source of pollutants being slingted into the environment. Noise pollution being emitted by automobiles is substantial. (Markarewicz & Kokowski, 2007). A nonher effect automobiles have on the environment is the heat it generates. The heat emitted is unpleasant to be around.The worsened pollutant being emitted from automobiles is the exhaust. The noxious vapors emitted are a by-product of the engines combustion. These noxious vapors can be latedly decline lung health, which can cause lung cancer, and destroy the earths atmosphere. (Weir, 2002). The vapors are trem eradicateously hepatotoxic to human health. Over a million Americans live in regions where the air quality is unsafe to breath. Automobiles emit most of the earths pollutant particulates. Particulate pollution is known to cause cardiovascular and respiratory diseases. (Altose, 2001). With this knowledge why would humankind continue to drive these environmental time bombs? Some would answer that automobiles are progress, just most drive for the convenience.Another cause of pollutions is the superabundance produced by post-consumer markets. Americans throw away tons of reusable waste every year that ends up in landfills. Even though projects are in office to prevent the amount of reclaimable waste from going to landfills, millions of recyclable products still get waste-yarded in them. (Fagiano, 1992). These products do not bio degrade and can stay burie d for hundreds of years. Americans continue to consume, throw away and consume to a greater extent for the purpose of convenience. As products are used or get old, people throw it out quite of trying to recycle. When people buy products that are over packed they are basically buying chalk. batch should look for products they can use over again and are not over packed with non recyclable products like Styrofoam.Another cause of pollution is dumping of toxic waste into the worlds rivers, lakes and oceans. Although this is not common practice today it still happens. These types of occurrences are rare and may not be of push in society, but this way of thinking can be dangerous. Each time toxic waste is dumped into waterways unspeakable consequences can happen. Human death and natural environmental destruction have transpired as a result of illegal dumping. Dumping toxic waste contaminates drinking water and the soil. (Thorson, 2005). Toxic dumping causes building block communities to move to different places, not able to return for centuries. These toxins dumped by industries can be so backbreaking that one barrel can destroy and entire waterways ecosystem. (Dodge, 2007).Industries not only dump toxins into the waterways, they also dump hot water. Dumping hot water can cause algae overgrowth that can natural covering the surface of lakes, ponds or bay areas. The algae blanket covers light that is needed for healthy plant and nutritive growth. This growth feeds aquatic life that lives in the waterways. Pollutants can cause bacteria growth and disease. Water pollutants do not only come from industries. Pollutant also comes from surface runoffs. When it rains, water washes away toxins from fertilizers that feed lawns, oils from driveways and streets. (Thorson, 2007). These toxins also end up in rivers, lakes and oceans.Pollution can be solved, but the cleanup process is long and can take years to implement. Americans can do their part to help save earths env ironment. preferably of driving an automobile every day people should consider carpooling, taking the bus or ride a bike. Doing this once or twice a week could reduce carbon foot depression on the environment, saving 1600 pounds of greenhouse gases from being emitted into the atmosphere each year and saving the earths atmosphere in years to come. (EPA, 2009).Americans could become better recyclers by taking time to sort trash out and recycling products that can be recycled. Recycling can reduce waste in landfills by 170,000 tons per year leaving room in the landfills for real garbage that has no other use. (King County, 2009). mountain must pay attention how products are packaged and avoid products that harm the environment. The Americans people can do their part by voicing their opinions at the polls and calling their Congress person to support greener alternatives that would cause a betterworld for future generations to live in.ReferencesAltose, Larry, (2001) Health effects f rom Automobile Emissions, Washington evince Department of Ecology, retrieved July 9, 2009. 00-02-008 p. 1-2 http//, John, (2007) Puget Sound struggles against tide of toxins, The Olympian, retrieved July 10, 2009 http//, David, (1992), Cutting waste at the source, Management Review, 81(6) p. 1 4, retrieved July 10, 2009 from EBSCO database, Apollo Library http// County good Waste Division (2009) Zero Waste. EPA, retrieved August 1, 2009 from http//, R, Kokowski, P. (2007), Prediction of noise changes due to traffic speed control, The diary of the Acoustical Society of America, 122(4) p. 2074-81, retrieved July 9, 2009 from EBSCO database, Apollo Libraryhttp// States Environmental Protection Agency, (2009) Earth day tips to save e nergy, retrieved July 15, 2009. http//, R M., (2005). It all runs see hill STATEWIDE Edition, Hartford Courant, p. A11, Retrieved July 10, 2009, from PROQUEST database Apollo Library http//, Erica, (2002) EPA links diesel exhaust, lung cancer, CMAJ Canadian Medical Association Journal, 167(7) p. 795, retrieved July 11, 2009 from EBSCO database, Apollo Library http//

Friday, May 17, 2019

Social Marketing Company (Smc)

mixer selling A Success Story in Bangladesh Mahbubur Rahman, MA, MBA 1 and Toslim Uddin Khan, MA, MSS, MBA 2 fond commercialize come with (SMC) is the largest privately managed affable market organization in the world for a single country. It is a of import ratifier to the procreative and child wellness avails in Bangladesh. The on-going amicable market programs of SMC include family planning, child health, disease saloon and maternal and neonatal health.SMCs mission is to improve the quality of lives of vulnerable and less privileged population mainly in public health issues finished sustainable accessible marketing efforts in collaboration with internal and international governments and donors. Social marketing is the application of commercial management techniques for popularizing and selling products and services that offer chiseled benefits to the people at determines they can buy. Thus, easy accessibility through wide approachability and high affordabilit y forms the primordial element of social marketing.The model of social marketing SMC adopted and continues to practice has dickens components multi-st roamgy dialogues for initiating want behavior change, and suitable, affordable, readily accessible product and service for sustaining the changed behavior use the techniques of commercial marketing. Because of its remarkable victor and its sheer size, social marketing in Bangladesh has become a model of best practices and attracted international attention.Two post-mortem USA based graduate schools of business included the case study on social marketing program in Bangladesh in their curricula, which is an entire chapter of the renowned book titled Let E actually churl Be Wanted How Social trade Is Revolutionizing Contraceptive Use Around the World written by Philip D. Harvey. The case on SMC is also included in the Asian marketing Casebook written by Noel Capon and Wilferied R. Vanhonacker. SMC is ISO 9001-2000 certified co mpany.The company is awarded International unity Award for Leadership in Quality (ISLQ) in 2008 by the Business Initiative Directions (BID) a Madrid-based business organization committed to build better business written report ecumenic. Contribution of SMC to the National Program Social marketing of preventives and ORS has proven to be a major contributor to achievement of the health and population objectives of the Government of Bangladesh. Population science experts used three critical measures of preventive effectiveness Total Fertility prise (TFR)3, Couple Year of Protection (CYP)4 and Contraceptive Prevalence Rate (CPR)5.Between 1975 and 2007, the total fertility rate of the country dropped from 6. 3 to 2. 7, and the overall contraceptive prevalence rate among shortly married women rose from 8 sh be to 56 pct, with modern contraceptive use at 48 percent (BDHS, 2007). SMC is significantly contributing in the modern contraceptive methods to achieve national contraceptive goals. BDHS shows that 35 percent of the modern contraceptive users use SMC fault contraceptives (four proscribed of ten chit users, six out of 1 Head of Marketing, Social Marketing party Head or Research and MIS, Social Marketing connection The average number of children that would be born alive to a woman (group of women) during her lifetime 4 It is estimated that one CYP is provided by 150 condoms or 15 oral pill cycles or 4 vials of injectables. 5 Contraceptive prevalence rate is defined as the percent of Married Women of productive Age exploitation family planning method. 2 1 ten condom users and two out of ten injectables users use SMC deformity). consort to the Consumers sell Audit, SMC brand condoms have 81 percent share of the retail market while SMC brand OCP have 90 percent of retail market share (ACNielsen, 2008).SMC distributes approximately 100 million pieces of condoms, 40 million cycles of oral pills and one million vials of injectables annually through out the country. ORSaline was launched in late 1985 to enhance the availability of ORS to address mortality and morbidity due to diarrhea among under 5 children in Bangladesh. The work of packaged ORS in diarroheal cases among the under five children has increased from 61 percent in 2000 to 77 percent in 2007 (BDHS, 2007). According to the Consumers Retail Audit, ORSaline-N brand of SMC is the market leader of ORS retail market with more than 59 percent share (ACNielsen, 2008).SMC distributes approximately 180 million sachets of ORS yrly throughout the country. Evolution of Social Marketing Company The concept of social marketing came to Bangladesh in 1974 when the social marketing project was initiated to challenge rapid population growth by making contraceptive products widely accessible at a outlay affordable to the general people. The project was initiated by a US-based non-profit organization Population Services International (PSI) in agreement with the Government of Banglade sh (GOB), and with funding from United States Agency for International Development (USAID).In 1990, the project transformed into Social Marketing Company a not-for-profit private limited company, and since being operated under a voluntary placard of Directors consisting of eminent personalities with private and public sector expertise in different fields. From 1997, SMC had been the social marketing confederate in the USAID funded National Integrated Population and wellness Program (NIPHP) under a Cooperative Agreement. afterwards end of NIPHP, SMC signed a new Cooperative Agreement with USAID as a cave inner of USAID Bangladesh health and Population Program (UBHPP) effective from January 2008.Sales and Distribution Network SMC has one of the most established, extensive and efficient distribution net working in Bangladesh. Nationwide coverage is carried out through twelve offices located in major category and district towns of the country. This enables SMCs a little over 100 men-strong gross revenue force to distribute products to the far-flung outlet promptly and regularly. On an average, about 223,000 outlets are dish upd by SMC sales force each year of which approximately 35 percent are pharmacies and the rest are nonpharmacies including grocery stores and kiosks.Stocks at the sales offices are replenished through large deli real trucks at scheduled intervals. The sales force cover the territory by SMCs fleet of deli real vans, motorbikes and boats whenever necessary. In order to gibe efficient and secured storage of all SMC products, SMC has constructed a central warehouse (CWH) and a packaging unit located at Bhaluka, Mymensingh in 2008. The CWH is constructed with necessary memory board needs like adequate passageway for transporting comfortablys, ventilation, natural light or scope for increasing celluloid lighting, optimum space areas for stacking goods as per standard storing guidelines.The widespread sales and distribution efforts of SM C contributed to make its products widely uncommitted in the retail outlets across the country. The product availability study showed that 84 percent of the retail drugstore outlets have at least(prenominal) one SMC brand of Oral Contraceptive Pill (OCP) while 82 percent pharmacy outlets have at least one SMC brand of condom and 91 percent pharmacy outlets have at least one SMC brand of ORS. In addition to pharmacy outlets, SMC sales condom and ORS in 2 he non-pharmacy outlets as a strategy to increase accessibility and availability of the products. One in every five non-pharmacy retail outlets of the country has SMC brand condom and more than two in every five non-pharmacy retail outlets have SMC brand ORS countrywide (Pathway, 2007). The Table 1 shows the availability of SMC products in the retail outlets. Table 1 Availability of SMC Brand OCP, Condom and ORS by Pharmacy and Non-pharmacy Retail Outlets (in percentage) Brand Pharmacy Non-pharmacy At least one SMC brand OCP 84 na At least one SMC brand Condom 2 21 At least one SMC brand ORS 91 44 Number of Outlets 2400 4800 Use of Innovative Communication Channel for Strategic Behavior Change When social marketing began in Bangladesh, many were skeptical about the feasibility of large-scale schooling dissemination and publicize of contraceptive products. They were skeptical mostly for three contends. First, Bangladesh is predominantly Muslim society in which reproductive health was not openly discussed. Second, much of the population was illiterate at that time with limited access to media.Third, the mass of the population was very poor and there were doubts that people could be persuaded to purchase contraceptives when these supplies were available free from different sources. To address the prevailing formidable situation in the mid seventies, SMC launched a strong and innovative communication program to facilitate and sustain behavior changes towards family planning and contraceptive use. The progra m is now recognized worldwide for its creative use of innovative channels to communicate generic family planning and health messages and to promote sales of branded products.All modern mass media communication channels including regional and national radio, television, and print media were being utilize from the very beginning. The products have been advertised on billboards, signs, buildings, water tanks, shop boards and banners, rickshaws, shopping bags, at sporting events, and through free promotional distribution. Riverboats carried genus Raja Condom logos on their sails. The Mobile Film Program (MFP) is a hallmark of social marketing in Bangladesh, and a major factor in making SMC the largest social marketing program in the world.The quick van fleet presents audio-visual shows that reach hundreds of thousands in rural areas with discipline on health issues and advertisements of SMCs products. A recently conducted study on MFP showed that 63 percent of the MFP viewing audien ce have learned new information on family planning, 53 percent learned new information on STD/AIDS and 32 percent learned new information on women trafficking watching mobile film program (MRC-MODE, 2007). The pharmacists and non-graduate medical practitioners are one of the major sources of health information and prescriber of medicine, particularly in rural and semi-urban areas.As a part of the comprehensive communication strategy, SMC provides training to approximately 17,000 health providers annually to arm their dwellledge and skill in order to offer better over-the-counter services including counseling. Brands as acquire Drivers Market fractionation, effective positioning and brand development efforts continue to be a major part of SMCs strategies, and the company now provides a diverse range of pills and condoms manoeuvered at 3 specific market divides and supported with brand-specific publicise and promotion.The efforts have significantly contributed to increase brand awareness and brand loyalty among the stone pit population. For example, Raja condom was introduced in 1976 and ultimately became synonymous with the word condom in Bangladesh with huge advertising and promotional efforts over the last 32 years. A study on Use of Contraceptive Among the shortsighted Couples in Bangladesh conducted by ACNielsen explored the reasons for using SMC OCP among the current SMC brand OCP users.About 61 percent SMC brand OCP contraceptive users mentioned the reason as it suits with body while 13 percent mentioned it is widely available, 8 percent mentioned that it is a good quality brand, 9 percent mentioned husband purchases it and 2 percent mentioned that they purchase it due to its lower price (ACNielsen, 2008). SMC sells its contraceptive product brands by positioning them at appropriate market incisions. Target market for Raja and Hero condoms and Femicon and Femipil OCP are the lower income population. SOMA-JECT injectable and Panther condom are fo r the lower-mid level of the market, while one nd U condoms, Minicon (progesterone only pill) and Nordette-28 oral pills are positioned at the slightly upper mid segment of the market. ORSaline-N, Monimix and safe delivery kit are positioned for all segments of the market. Table 2 shows different SMC brands with year of intromission Table 2 SMC brands, year of launching, and its positioning in the market. Products Brand Oral Contraceptive Nordette-28 Pill Femicon Femipill Minicon SOMA-JECT injectable Condom ORS Micro nutrition Safe Delivery Kit Raja Panther Sensation U HERO ORSaline/ORSali ne-N ORSaline Fruity Monimix Safety Kit Year of Launch 1995 1976 1983 1992 2005 006 1983 Positioning fastness and middle segment Lower segment Lower segment All segments Lower and middle segment Lower segment Middle segment Upper segment Upper segment Lower segment All segments 2003 2008 2008 Upper segments All segments All segments 1996 2008 2000 1999 Knowledge Attitude Practice and Perception (KAPP) try on OCP shows that the Married Women of Reproductive Age (MWRA) have a wider level of awareness of SMC brand OCP. Eight out of ten MWRA sack out Femicon brand while about half of the MWRAs know Nordette-28 brand. Those couples who know the brand have a very high level of quality perception regarding brand.Eighty-five percent of the MWRA who know Femicon brand mentioned that the brand is either very good or good while 92 percent of the MWRA who know Nordette-28 brand told that it is either very good or good quality OCP (RCS, 2007). Table 3 shows the quality perception on SMC brand OCP among the MWRA who know the brand 4 Table 3 Quality Perception on SMC Brand OCP among MWRA who know the brand OCP brand of SMC Response Femicon Nordette-28 Minicon Very good 14. 8 10. 6 30. 3 Good 71. 3 81. 3 36. 9 Not so good not so 5. 4 3. 3 12. 9 bad Not good 1. 9 0. 8 1. 0 Dont Know 6. 4 4. 1 18. 8 Number of MWRA 2045 597 287 spunky Star Social Franchising Program Involvement of the Pr ivate Practitioners in the Public Health Priority Areas The Blue Star Program is an all out effort to buzz off the private sector health service providers (both graduate and non-graduate medical practitioners) into the public health program. The program works through a network of 3600 private medical practitioners. The purpose of this program is to address the unmet need of the target population by improving quality, awareness, accessibility, and affordability of priority public health services through the private health providers.SMC provide comprehensive training, commodity supply, promotional support and supervision & monitoring to these Blue Star Providers. A Program Evaluation topic interviewed 1379 private sector health service providers half of them were Blue Star Providers and the rest half was not affiliated with the Blue Star Franchising. The study reveals that knowledge level on contraception of Blue Star Providers is significantly higher than the non Blue Star Provide rs.For example, around 41% of non Blue Star providers have no knowledge on the side effect of injectable while the rate is less than one percent for Blue Star Providers (RCS, 2006). Currently injectable contraceptive is given on with other health services through this network. Next to the OCP, injectable is the most popular temporary contraceptive method in Bangladesh. According to Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey (BDHS) 2007, 7% of the eligible couples are using Injectable contraceptive compared to 2. 6% in 1991.As BDHS 2007 shows, one out of five injectable users collect their supplies from private medical sector graduate and non-graduate medical practitioners and pharmacies, which are considered as the outlets of Blue Star Franchising Program. Social Marketing of Micronutrient Product A New Avenue in Child Health Program SMC has launched its Micronutrition program in Bangladesh through introduction of MoniMix a branded micronutrient powder for simple and convenient in- home food fortification of antonymous food to address childhood Iron Deficiency Anemia (IDA) in May 2008.Objective of the micronutrient program is to supporter improve nutritional status of under-five children, particularly of those with childhood IDA, to increase knowledge and awareness among parents and health service providers about the importance of micronutrient containing food and adequate dietary intake, and to promote exclusive breast feeding and proper complementary feeding of nutrition rich foods.A KAPP study on kinsperson Fortification of Complementary Food among the parents and caregivers of the children under 5 years found that nearly half of the respondents (47 percent) mentioned that they are aware about IDA while the rest (53 percent) admitted their terminated ignorance on the issue 5 (ACNielsen, 2008). The findings of the study strongly justify the comprehensive awareness creation bm on Micronutrition in general and IDA in particular which SMC has started. SMC Factory Manufacturing ORS to Ensure Product SecurityIn order to ensure the security of ever increasing demand of pre-packaged ORS, SMC has established its own very modern ORS manufacturing facility in 2004. This facility has certainly released SMC from complete dependency on contract manufacturers. The annual ORS payoff capacity of the manufactory is around 200 million sachets, and the factory produced 176 million sachets of ORSaline-N in FY 2007. The SMC factory complex is situated on 5. 9 acres of land at Bhaluka on the DhakaMymensingh highway.The factory complex includes raw materials and finished goods store, production unit, quality control labs, services and administration units. Machinery and equipments of the SMC factory are of latest technology and in particular, the sachet appliance is state-of-art. The Future Journey Towards Sustainability SMC is seeking to increase its contribution to the achievement of national health objectives through significant expansion in the s ervices it provides and the products it sells, while enhancing its organizational sustainability through increased revenues and improved management.Over the past years, SMC has steady improved its cost recovery, which was 74 percent in 2007. Eventually, SMC endeavors to become a self-reliant social marketing company with minimum level of donor assistance. However, the products that are positioned for the lower segment one condom, one pill and one injectable would continue as a part of SMCs social commitment to serve the less privileged and vulnerable groups. Reference 1.ACNielsen Bangladesh, Knowledge, Attitude Perception and Practice (KAPP) Study on Home Fortification of Complementary Food, 2008, Conducted for Social Marketing Company 2. ACNielsen Bangladesh, Retail Audit Report on OCP, Condom and ORS, April 2008 Conducted for Social Marketing Company 3. ACNielsen Bangladesh, Use of Contraceptive Among the Poor Couple of Bangladesh, 2008 Conducted for Social Marketing Company 4. Eve, E. Epstein, SMC Story The History of Social marketing Company, 2006 written for Social Marketing Company . Institute of Public Health and Nutrition (IPHN), Government of Bangladesh, National Strategy for Anemia Prevention and assert in Bangladesh, 2007 6. MRC-MODE Limited Study on Mobile Film Program, 2007, Conducted for Social Marketing Company 7. National Institute of Population Research and Training (NIPORT), Mitra and Associates, and ORC Macro, Preliminary Report on Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey 2007, 2007. 8. Noel Capon and Wilfried R. Vanhonacker, The Asian Marketing Casebook, 1999 9.Philip D. Harvey, Let Every Child Be Wanted How Social Marketing Is Revolutionizing Contraceptive Use Around the World, 1999 10. Pathway Availability and Market Penetration Study of SMC Products, 2007, Conducted for Social Marketing Company 11. Research and Computing Services (RCS) Limited, Knowledge, Attitude Perception and Practice (KAPP) Study on Oral Contraceptive Pill among t he Married Women of Reproductive Age 2007, conducted for Social Marketing Company 6

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Law Enforcement Cameras

The debate over whether blushfulness debile television cameras be effective or not can cause a great fraction among any root of people. Proponents of the cameras say that they argon effective in reducing accidents and those against them are adamant that they are plainly in place to increase revenues for local law enforcement. Red blithesome cameras are cameras that are placed at crossways and connected to traffic signals. The camera is triggered by any vehicle entering the intersection above a certain speed and after the signal light has turned red.While many red light camera scoffers argue that drivers insurance rates will go up, these types of violations are similar to set tickets and should not make believe rates or driving record. The statement by many that red light cameras are only in place for city revenue. This paper will bring three facts that orient that red light cameras are in place to make communities money and not for reducing accidents. The debate over wh ether red light cameras are effective or not can cause a great divide among any group of people.Proponents of the cameras say that they are effective in reducing accidents and those against them are adamant that they are only in place to increase revenues for local law enforcement. Red light cameras are cameras that are placed at intersections and connected to traffic signals. The camera is triggered by any vehicle entering the intersection above a certain speed and after the signal light has turned red.While many red light camera scoffers argue that drivers insurance rates will go up, these types of violations are similar to parking tickets and should not affect rates or driving record. The statement by many that red light cameras are only in place for city revenue. This paper will bring three facts that indicate that red light cameras are in place to make communities money and not for reducing accidents.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

International Auditing Standards Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

International Auditing Standards - Essay typesetters caseISA 400 provided a description of internal control and the types of internal controls, as well as the factors and procedures include in each type.One of managements responsibilities is to ensure that there are adequate internal controls implemented in an entity. What is required of the studyor is to suffer a sufficient understanding of the internal control as such an understanding give mean a more efficient and effective scrutinise planning and audit approach. According to Ricchiute (2003), in actual application, to obtain such an understanding, the auditor will need to coif the following (1) perform a preliminary go off of the internal control trunk through the review of prior-year audit working papers, inquiries of management and personnel and observations (2) document the internal controls found in the strategy and identify transaction cycles, either through a flowchart or a narrative enrolment (3) perform a walk- through of a sample transaction and, (4) identify controls that will reduce to an gratifying or low level the risk of material misstatements (Ricchiute, 2003, p. 214 - 220). In number 4, the auditor may pick out to perform only a walkthrough of a transaction or a walkthrough of the transactions and the associate controls and running game of controls. The choice depends on the auditors assessment of control risk. If the assessment is high, the auditor will just do a walkthrough of a sample transaction and go directly to real testing. If the assessment is low, the auditor will have to perform a more detailed walkthrough, not only of the transaction but also of the related controls, and test the controls the auditor thinks will support the lower risk assessment. The understanding of the internal control system and the subsequent walkthrough or testing is critical to the outside(a) auditor since this will dictate the substantive audit procedures that will be done subsequently. Thi s is because a lower level of control risk assessment will decrease the level of detection risk of an auditor. This generally means less extensive and persuasive substantive audit procedures that could be done during the interim rather than during the year-end, resulting to earlier completion of the audit work (Ricchiute, 2003, p. 232). What slightly fraud concerns, as these is one of the purposes for setting up the internal control system, in the first place An external auditors procedures cannot be expected to detect immaterial frauds. If a fraudulent transaction or event results to a material misstatement in the financial statements, the external auditors audit procedures may discover the fraud incident. However, there is sure as shooting no guarantee of detection as the perpetrator(s) may go to extensive lengths to deceive the auditor and cover up the defalcation (Tedd). Lastly, one of the concerns regarding ISA 400 (and the other auditing standards) is that this may

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Importance of the Reformation in Europe Research Paper

Importance of the innovation in Europe - Research Paper lineamentThis paper analyses the importance of the Reformation in the context of its theological foundations, historical background and influence on the subsequent development of valet de chambrekind. The head start chapter deals with cultural and historical context and background of the Reformation, since it allows better understanding of the temper of changes which took place during and after the Reformation. The second chapter gives a brief characteristic of the essence of religious reform. Chapters three and four analyze most important changes in the concepts of morality, freedom and reason. Chapter five describes political and social meaning of the Reformation and its influence of the further historical development. Conclusion summarizes main arguments given in the paper. Selected bibliography offers a wide turn tail of books and periodicals on the topic of the paper. Thesis The Reformation is usually considered as a widespread anti-Catholic movement for the renewal of Christianity in Europe in the 16th century, the founders and leaders of which were Martin Luther (1483-1546) and Jean Calvin (1509-1564). But the Reformation was not exactly a religious renewal it was a profound transformation of the Christian culture. The result of this transformation was not only a new version of Christianity Protestantism, but also a new type of man with a new attitude to life and himself. It was this type of man that appeared to be the driving force of the quick development of western civilization. Introduction The Reformation changed the conceptual world of Christianity and laid the foundations of a new type of Christian culture. In this updated culture, as Max Weber assumed in his book The Protestant ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, a supramundane Christian spirituality acted as a semantic foundation of the new determine ethic and became an inspirational force of rational and practical transformat ion of the world. The Reformation was a spiritual serve to the challenge for the human spirit created by socio-economic and cultural situation of the 16th century. Therefore, it would be rational first to describe the context in which the roots of a new culture got implanted. Cultural and Historical mount and Background of the Reformation Catholic culture of Western European Middle Ages was a sort of via media between the sinful conditions of the world and supramundane maximalism of the Spirit. The life of a layman was full of daily cares of the world, and did not go through any relation with the salvation of soul. However, it was believed that the Churchdue to religious merit of its saintsaccumulated more godly grace than it was necessary for the salvation of recognized righteous men. This excess amount of grace was given by Church to the laity, but not to all, only to those who in their worldly life held religious rules and supported the efforts of the church building to save the world. As a matter of fact, in real life it appeared that support of the Churchs efforts did not necessarily require high personal morality. Divine grace and salvation could be clear by a pilgrimage, participation in the crusade, or just property or cash donations to the demand of the church. In

Monday, May 13, 2019

Critical Evaluation of the Accenture on the Innovation Death Spiral Article

Critical Evaluation of the Accenture on the establishment Death Spiral - Article ExampleMarket evaluation at IBM restrict may assume looking critically into the business environment to identify the necessitate and wants of the customers and come up with proper shipway to meet the identified needs. It may further involve empowering employees through various methods such as providing them with control programs. Innovation may also be bring in by identifying whether the company is able to provide its employees with the obligatory motivation to ensure the necessary job gets done as intended (Bessant and Tidd, 2013). Innovation at IBM limited may also be tracked via identifying the ability of the company to establish proper networks with customers, suppliers and all stakeholders. This instrument that for IBM limited to be successful it must be in opposition to establish clear communion networks. The networks may help to collect information regarding the market demand and look f orward to how the identified needs could be met in a more effective and efficient manner. Finally, innovation may be tracked via the continuous search for the necessary advice that may help to keep the IBM limited from moving forward. This means that besotted leadership may be required to lead others towards channeling their efforts toward realizing organization goals and objectives (Adair, 2009).The three most important approaches may be used to prevent IBM limited from moving towards the death spiral such approaches include breakthrough, platform, and additive innovations. Breakthrough innovation approach may be suitable for IBM limited given that it is a huge organization that has large capital investments. This approach has been proved to be successful at Apple follow on its I pad brand. The second type of innovative approach that may be applied by IBM Limited may involve platform innovation.

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Issues in the Field of Engineering Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

Issues in the Field of Engineering - Essay ExampleThe National Academy of Engineering has accepted 14 grand challenges to the field of engineering in the 21st century. Managing nitrogen cycle is one of those 14 challenges that require immediate intervention (University of Iowa). Although the academic literature and previous studies have paid less upkeep to this issue compared to other challenges like global warming or climate change, it is really a reactive problem that can have terrible impacts on ecosystems and public health. The human-induced disruptions of the global nitrogen cycle forget in serious engineering challenges.The nitrogen cycle plays a central role in the intersection of food, and hence it reflects a crucial aspect of energy needs. The National Academy of Engineering describes in their meshwork article Manage the nitrogen cycle that Nitrogen cycle is considered as a process where the alchemy of Earth and life meets together as plants extract nitrogen from the ir surrounding environment to make food. ordinance the impacts of agriculture on the global nitrogen cycle turns out to be a growing challenge to the concept of sustainable development. According to the article Manage the nitrogen cycle, amino acids (building blocks of proteins) and nucleotides (building blocks of DNA) contain nitrogen as a major component, and hence all living things need this element. Nitrogen is supplied in inexhaustible amounts in our planet nitrogen makes up nearly four-fifths of the earths atmosphere and is present in the flesh of nitrogen molecules (National Academy of Engineering). However, the atmospheric nitrogen is not readily available for living organisms because nitrogen molecules rarely enter into chemical reactions. Dincer and Zamfirescu point out in their book that the large scale energy released from lightning strikes or the chemical abilities of some microbes

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Famous Insanity Defense Cases Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Famous lunacy Defense Cases - Essay ExampleInsanity exoneration dates back from Ancient Greece and Rome, however, the first definition that is contiguous to the modern definition of insanity defense was given by an English Court, in 1843, the insane soul being compared to a wild beast. However, an earlier definition explains insane defense as it follows If a hothead or a natural fool, or a lunatic in the time of his lunacy do kill a man, this is no felonious act for they cannot be said to have any understanding will. In the USA, some of the leading historical moments directly connected to the insane defense are the case shorthorn v. United States , (which established the Durham rule, also sleep togethern as the Product test), the drafting of the American Law Institute Test (1953), the Hinckley case , which led to the adoption of Insanity Defense Reform act as in 1984 and the well known Andrea Yates case.The Andrea Yates case is one of the most mediated criminal cases involving insanity defense of the 21st century. Unfortunately, this is due to its dramatic implications. However, in spite of the horrifying implications, the defense attorneys managed to prove her mental unstableness and avoid her being convicted to prison for life time or maybe even death penalty. Andrea Yates is adult female from Texas who one day killed all of her five children by drowning them, and after that, she called her husband and the police and let them know what she had done. The theories regarding this case are numerous and they continue to appear. Some are sure that the woman was suffering from a severe mental disorder, others disagree. The first trial found Andrea Yates guilty and gave her a life sentence. She was granted a second trial one year later and the jury found her not guilty by reason of insanity. The defense attorneys focused on proving Andrea Yates mental illness, which according to family, friends and psychiatrists who had treated her in the past, was a FACT. I n spite of the prosecution expert Dr. Welner and other evidence, Andrea pleaded not guilty during the second trial. Dr. Park Dietz made a list of events that had affected Andrea Yates during her life and may have contributed to her mental disorder Giving up her life history Giving up her possessions Changing her

Friday, May 10, 2019

Illegal Immigration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Il wakeless in-migration - Essay ExampleImmigrations atomic number 18 adept sometimes for the country but as every good thing has a bad trait the immigration gets costly for the host country. Sometimes more than disasters whitethorn ca wasting disease due to these immigrants. In this piece of writing, discussions on illegal immigrations in different countries, its positive and oppose effects will be through.Its the dream of every mankind to live better and give trounce to ones family. People immigrate from one family to other not only for change in their mood make thing adventurous for themselves but as well as to find better land to live and better calling to earn. Few of them move to stay with their families al wee settled in the other country. Few immigrants need the dress hat education in their lives and few of them need the best environment for their families to groom in. Little of them are substitution their own countries coz they are tied of countrys culture and tra dition. Few of them needs different good opportunities in smell to grow economically more rapidly. Money really makes this worlds mankind crazy to run and leave their love ones.No doubt many countries offer immigrants a good guest of honor. They serve them if they are here with their families a nice discount on their schools, on their health care etc. similarly if they are employed there, its in some countries a rule to provide a nice income to the employee, more everywhere a nice hand on employee kids expenditures. Medications, electricity charges, Grocery stocks and traveling are few more incentives immigrants get to have. Holidays from work, Different incentives while working really gives attraction to immigrate to a nice luxuriously standard countries. America is one of the biggest countries that receive the worlds biggest amount of immigrants.People run for good line of credits to other countries, departure their home and family and moreover the fame and respect from the society to earn money. People leave their official respectable job and immigrate to work day and night having number of part time jobs. And for that even they are ready to sweep, serve on petrol pumps, and providing themselves in hotels and restaurants as waiters. Most of the poor people like to go in such countries for part time opportunities as soon as possible and though alternatively spending money or using their education they just went by using different resources and cognise to be as illegal immigrants.Immigration costs the country more as its spending little than its earning to its citizens. Few years back it was easy for every one to move from this country to that and that country to this. and this was giving tough time to host countries, as they have to spend more for sometimes their guests and sometimes who are not citizens of the country but stayed for so long that they are good to be a citizen. These kinds of few reasons make country government set few rules to join their country. Now these rules are organism checked on the immigrant and then the permission to be the guest is awarded. People not fulfilling these immigration requirements use illegal ways to enter the country. Crossing Countrys borders by hiding here and there, from ports hiding in luggage, etc are few ways to be in the country without immigration. Moreover, people who come once through legal immigration stays long for work even after the expiration of their Visa limit is also an illegal immigrant. These illegal immigrants not only uses countrys goods and

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Business Principles of the Edinburgh Fringe Festival Essay

Business Principles of the Edinburgh Fringe Festival - Essay ExampleEven though the economic impact of the festival remains a major concern, there was an agreement with the major stakeholders that it was decisive to look into other aspects of the festival.The Edinburgh festival attracts all kinds of performers ranging from regular school boys to star actors. With more than 260 performance venues, much(prenominal) as dim vaults, giant theatres, and moving buses the event has the capacity to hold thousands of actors. All the venues available distinguish to hold more than 2,000shows in the 25 day long festival.The establishment of the Scottish parliament has to a large extent altered the political landscape. Edinburgh is considered as the standard be arr for Scotland and a very bouncy in promoting and strengthening the pride of the Scottish people and their identity as a whole. However, there has been a very great concern by most people and even politicians in Scotland that Edinburgh is not getting the recognition it deserves as a ethnic ambassador. This is with due to the numerous festivals that Edinburgh has organized and hosted with very limited resources. In that aspect parliament has come up with certain legislations to help boost the cultural events in their need to promote the Scottish culture.Nationally Edinburgh is faced with numerous challenges. Whereas there are some people who are of the opinion that a lot of resources is being allocated to the capital, there are some who are of the opinion that Edinburgh festivals whitethorn play a very crucial role in promoting the national economy through cultural tourism (British Association of Social Workers 1976, 87). Certainly the Edinburghs economic position can be termed as healthy due to some various factors such as low unemployment rates and projected harvest-time in job opportunities.In a research carried out in Scotland in respect to the highest tax revenue earners for the country. In the year 2010 , tourism accounted for about 1.5bn pounds of expenditure by