Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Safety, Security, Health and Environmental legislation

The SSHE-law is a Safety, Security, Health and Environmental legislation that seeks to safeguard the health of employees and any other person within the premises of the organization. With the changing times and a growing number of hazards within the workplace, SSHE law is vital in regulating the safety standards within the organization. The set codes of practice provide guidance on hazard identification, risk assessment processes and risk control. In New South Wales, the NSW OHS Regulation 2001 regulates the safety measures in an organization to ensure a danger-free working environment (Sengar, 2007). This is a very vital law in the current business situation not only in the New South Wales but also in the rest of the United States. The different chapters of this legislation stipulate the standards that should be met by the management. Proper implementation strategies are also vital in to ensure all parties benefit from the piece of legislation (Kidd, 2008). The chapters clearly state what the management should be aware of regarding the safety of the employees. Following, is a summary of the contents of the various chapters: †¢ Chapter 1- a brief introduction and definitions of the law. Chapter 2- risk management at places of work. †¢ Chapter 3- workplace consultation. †¢ Chapter 4- emphasizes on work premises and working environment. †¢ Chapter 5- is about plant i. e. machinery like computers, equipment, tools. †¢ Chapter 6- is about hazardous substances. †¢ Chapter 7- is on hazardous processes. †¢ Chapter 8- is about construction work. †¢ Chapter 9- a certification of workers. †¢ Chapter 10- is about licensing of certain businesses. †¢ Chapter 11- addresses permits for certain work. †¢ Chapter 12- is a notification of accidents and other miscellaneous provisions. Chapter 6: Hazardous substances. In this essay, Chapter 6, a piece of SSHE-legislation, will be analyzed to establish its risk management principles. The chapter obligates an employer (including the self-employed) to protect their employees from harmful effects of hazardous substances that they could be manufacturing, using or supplying. Hazardous substances contain ingredients that are, according to the document entitled â€Å"Approved Criteria for Classifying Hazardous Substances [NOHSC: 1008 (1999)]† published by the NOHS Commission, either carcinogenic, mutagenic, teratogenic, corrosive, toxic, skin or respiratory sensitizers. In-House Safety Rules & Regulations, unfamiliar chemical is considered as a hazardous substance. It is however paramount to note that this Chapter does not apply to substances such as food, therapeutic agents, tobacco, toiletries and cosmetics, if their use is not related to work activities (Tooma, 2004). Dangerous goods In this Chapter, â€Å"dangerous goods† could mean either goods too dangerous to be transported or C1 combustible liquids (have a flashpoint of between 60. 5 degrees Celsius and 150 degrees Celsius). This is regardless of whether or not they are packaged for transport or under pressure (Bohle & Quinlan, 2000). Risk management principles in the manufacture of hazardous substances A manufacturer must first establish whether or not a substance is hazardous before allowing its use at the work premises. This is determination is done based on the NOHS Commission classification. If found to be hazardous, the manufacturer must prepare a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for the substance before the substance is supplied to another person for use at work (Harrington, 2001). There are various requirements for the MSDS but most importantly the MSDS must set out; At least the chemical name of the ingredient in the hazardous substance. †¢ Its chemical and physical properties. †¢ Relevant health-hazard information. †¢ Precautions to be taken so as to enhance safety during the substance’s usage. †¢ The name, and Australian address and telephone numbers (including an emergency number), of the manufacturer. If the ingredients’ names are not on the MSDS, the manufacturer mu st present a medical practitioner with this vital information which would be useful if emergency medical treatment should be required. The medical practitioner should then sign an agreement not to misuse this information (Michael, 2008). Risk management principles in the supply of hazardous substances The Supplier should provide the MSDS to an employer (not a retailer though) the first time he supplies the substance to him and also after a revision of the MSDS by the manufacturer. The MSDS should also be given to a health practitioner. Proper and clear labeling is also a supplier’s duty in risk management. Labeling is aimed at ensuring awareness of the goods handler on the possible risks involved during handling. The label should generally contain the information in the MSDS. Supplier should provide employer with any other relevant information regarding the safe use of the substance, aside from that in the MSDS. R. (Creighton & Stewart, 2005). Risk management principles in the use of hazardous substances It is worth pointing out that the term â€Å"use† also refers to the handling, storage, transport or disposal of the substance. A wide range of measures are to be taken by the employer to aid in risk management at the work premises. The employer must ensure all employees can always access the unaltered MSDS. The employer should also label the containers holding the hazardous substance. The label should still contain the information in the MSDS (Thompson, 2001). It is an employer’s call to ensure that substances’ contraindications of certain use, e. g. The prohibited use of Carbon disulphide is spray painting, are not used in that manner. For each employee, in case of exposure to the harmful substance which could pose a health risk, the employer must provide health surveillance under an authorized medical practitioner of his (employer’s) choice and at his (employer’s) expense (Bohle & Quinlan, 2000). The legislation clearly states the kind of health surveillance to be provided based on the hazardous substance to which employee has been exposed. A register of all hazardous substances to be kept at the work place. It should contain relevant MSDS and should be readily accessible to the employees. The risk assessment report of any hazardous substance should also be accessible to the employees. An employer must identify any hazardous substance contained in an enclosed system at the place of work such as a pipe or piping system (Johnstone, 2004). Conclusion The importance of safety and security of health at work cannot be overemphasized. Absence of which directly translates to decreased productivity. This has moved me to believe that a nation’s greatest assets are its employees and thus it invests highly in their well-being. NSW, Australia’s most populous state, is not an exception as evidenced by the coming together of various organizations, including the media, to work with the NSW government to ensure the SSHE legislation is properly implemented (Kloss, 2010). The NSW Government works together with WorkCover Authority of NSW which administers regulations such as; Occupational Health and Safety Regulation 2001 and Dangerous Goods (Road and Rail Transport) Regulation 2009. These regulations support the general requirements of the legislation and provide more detail of its application. The OHS Magazine has also assisted in enlightening the public and the relevant authorities where and how to improve on ensuring safety at work (Creighton & Stewart, 2005).

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Israeli Wars from 1948 to Present Essay

The 1948 War of Independence, which took place between November 1947 and July 1949, was started by a 6 month civil war between Jewish and Arab militias at the end of the British mandate of Palestine. This turned into a regular war after the declaration of Independence and the intervention of several Arab armies. The five surrounding Arab nations i. e. Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon with support from Saudi Arabia launched a coordinated attack on Israel from the land, sea and air. These countries were urged on by their leaders who assured them that they could return after all Jews had been driven out (Eisenberg 147). The Jews were, however, able to defeat Arab armies resulting in an armistice that was signed in 1949 signaling an end to the conflict. The Armistice agreements were signed between Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria. They established the armistice lines between Israel and the West Bank also known as the Green line. The Sinai War of 29th October 1956 involved a military attack on Egypt by Britain, France and Israel. Israeli troops invaded Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula and quickly overcame opposition as they raced for the Suez Canal. Britain and France offered to temporarily occupy the Canal Zone and suggested a 10 mile buffer on either side to separate Egyptian forces from the Israelis. Egyptian President Nasser objected and on 31st October 1956, Egypt was attacked by Britain and France. Consequently, the Soviet Union threatened to attack on Egypt’s behalf but it took the intervention of U. S. President Eisenhower to get them to agree to a ceasefire. The war itself lasted for only a week with invading forces withdrawn within a month. The Six Day War took place in June 1967. It was fought between June 5th and June 10th. The war was against Syria, Jordan and Egypt as Israel believed that it was only a matter of time before the three Arab states attacked her. After the 1956 crisis, the United Nations (UN) had established a military presence in the Middle East but in 1967, Egypt made it clear that the UN was unwanted in the region. Israel viewed this as a sign that Egypt was preparing to attack and rather than wait to be hit, they launched a hugely successful military campaign against its perceived enemies. Following the war, the territory held by Israel expanded significantly and it now included the West Bank, Sinai, the Golan Heights and Gaza. The War of Attrition was a limited war that was fought between Israel and Egypt from 1967 to 1970. This war was initiated by Egyptians as a way of recapturing the Sinai from the Israelis who had been in control of the territory since the Six Day War. The Egyptian President believed that Israel would be unable to endure the economic burden and casualties of war. To this end, he ordered calibrated attacks on Israel which would not provoke an all out Israeli war response. The hostilities ended when a ceasefire was signed between the countries in 1970 with frontiers remaining in the same place as when the war began. The Yom Kippur War of 1973 is so called as it began on the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur), the holiest day of prayer and fasting in the Jewish calendar. This war is variously referred to as the October War. It started with a surprise Arab attack on Israel knowing that the military would be participating in religious celebrations. Israeli forces were initially overwhelmed but by October 8th, bolstered by reserves, they counter attacked in the Sinai. They managed to push back the Egyptian military. The United Nations organized a ceasefire on October 24th and in September 1975, Egypt and Israel signed an interim agreement. Still, there were no significant territorial changes. The First Lebanon War began on 6th June 1982 when Israeli forces invaded Southern Lebanon. The government launched military operations after an assassination attempt against Israel’s ambassador to the U. K. by a mercenary organization opposed to the PLO. Israel then attacked the PLO as well as Syrian and Muslim Lebanese forces before they occupied Southern Lebanon. The war ended after three years in 1985 when Israel stabilized in the safety strap lengthwise along the border. The Second Lebanon War was sparked when Hezbollah guerillas ambushed an Israeli patrol on the border on July 12 2006. Israel’s Prime Minister Ehud Olmert declared his intention to free the captives and remove Hezbollah from Southern Lebanon forever and thus began an ultimately inconclusive month long war. During the short conflict, Israel lost 119 soldiers and 43 civilians whilst Lebanese civilians bore the brunt of the war with more than 1000 killed. The UN Security Council unanimously approved UN Resolution 1701 on 11th August 2006 to end hostilities.

Monday, July 29, 2019

The American Dream Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4

The American Dream - Essay Example Thereby, if one accesses the viability of achieving the American Dream in the current times, it seems pragmatic to assert that the American Dream does not seem as much of an achievable option today. A range of social, political and economic facts corroborate to this belief. There is no doubt that the people in America do enjoy a better quality of life as compared to many other nations. It would also be safe to say that the poor in America today are better off as compared to the past. However, it is also a reality that economic class in America is something that is getting more rigid and difficult to transcend. The gap between the rich and the poor in America is further augmenting and the poor are not poor because they are less hard working or less willing to work. Class mobility has become an aspect of the American life that has really ossified (Kamolnick 114). The other things is that though the confidence and trust of the people in their nation’s innate capacity and fertility has traditionally been subservient to the imminent economic circumstances, still it is worth mentioning that the current economic meltdown has indeed shaken the people’s faith in the American dream. This is not because the people have lost faith in the values and beliefs underlying the American society. It is because people have largely come to believe that the rich and the powerful do have the power to get away with anything (Alpasian & Mitroff 143). They have the power to bring the national economy down on its knees, and the irony is that they will not be penalized for it but will rather be rescued by commensurate economic bailouts and privileges (Alpasian & Mitroff 157). One scarcely finds the trust and belief in many of the contemporary Americans that one traces in the works of Anne Bradstreet, a belief in the possibility for individual growth and t he maturity of personal talent, irrespective of the imminent constraints and shortcomings. It appears

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Explanation of liability, strict liability, accountability and moral Essay

Explanation of liability, strict liability, accountability and moral accountability in relation to obligations and duties as individuals and as parts of business organizations - Essay Example If he or she fails, such student is accountable for it and no one else. We can again cite as an example of the student. While the student is accountable for his or performance in class, he or she has also moral accountability to his or her parents to do his or her best because of their hopes for the student to be better prepared for the future. This is also a recompense for the sacrifices made by the parents for the student to send him or her to school. These terms relate to our obligations and duties as individuals - or as part of an organization in a way that they serve as the building block of ethics and integrity. Liability compels us to do good realizing that we are answerable for the consequence of our action. Our sense of accountability makes us responsible as a person and as a professional for we make sure that the trust and responsibility entrusted to our care are kept or done properly. Moral responsibility on the other hand enables us to perform duties and responsibilities even without the expectation of reward or repercussion but rather the internal drive to do good and be better. In the context of an organization, these terms make us ethical employees and/or managers. It makes us watch out for our actions because we can be held responsible for their consequences. On a positive note, these terms can help us become successful because it makes us responsible for any duties and tasks assigned to us. We also become trustworthy of a responsibility because we will not do anything that will have negative consequence both to us and the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Material Handling in KIZAD, UAE Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Material Handling in KIZAD, UAE - Article Example Receiving of raw materials to the factory is also part of material handling. It is to ensure the correct goods come to the organization and also leave the organization to the customer. The essay will expand on the role and benefits of KIZAD. The primary focus will be on material handling in KIZAD. The Middle East is a world-class logistics hub due to its geographical location. This region has had significant developments in terms of material handling and warehousing. There has been much development in the logistic infrastructure part of UAE. Countries like Abu Dhabi have significant economic development due to the number of businesses that go through the country. There are materials that go through Abu Dhabi before they move to other regions in the world. It is a central point of moving goods across the world. It is, therefore, important that Abu Dhabi develops world class warehouses where the materials being transported are in safe hands. The warehousing business is now a significant part of the economy that has always been dominated by oil and gas. The material handling business in KIZAD has helped the economy grow by 6% every year thus making it enable vision 2030. Abu Dhabi has a fast growth  pace and the manufacturing industries at KIZAD are growing. The need to have warehouses where the materials have a safe handle is increasing on a daily basis. There is not enough knowledge concerning the fast growth of the economy, hence the need for more warehouses in Abu Dhabi. There have however been many warehouses cropping up due to the increase in demand and opening of the port last year. Lessons on how to handle this business are in need so as the goods remain protected and not get damaged during storage. It is important to understand the kind of goods one is handling, as different products require different attention.

Friday, July 26, 2019

History of the Brooklyn Bridge Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

History of the Brooklyn Bridge - Essay Example After 60 years of political, financial as well as technical negotiations, John Roeblings plan was accepted, the New York Bridge Company was formed and, in the year 1869, construction of the bridge at last began. In the year 1867, a group of well-known leaders formed the New York Bridge Company for the reason of constructing as well as maintaining a bridge across the East River. Via the enabling act, the Brooklyn city subscribed for three million dollars of the capital stock, while the New York City just subscribed for one and a half million dollar. The company was allowed to fix toll rates for pedestrians as well as all kinds of vehicles, getting a profit of no more than 15% per annum. The bridge was built over fourteen years in the face of huge complicatedness. Roebling died by an accident at the onset; a fire in the Brooklyn Caisson smoldered for a few weeks; Roeblings son, Washington, who occupied the post as chief engineer, endured a crippling attack of the bends during the build ing of the Manhattan Caisson, and sustained to direct operations, sending messages to the location by his wife, Emily. After the towers were constructed, a cable parted from its port killing two people; there was fraud committed by the cable contractor (Trachtenberg, 1990). Soon after ground was broken on January 3, 1870, work on the Manhattan and Brooklyn foundations. Life in the caissons was unhappy. Immigrant laborers worked in the profound foundations, paid $2.25 per day to work in perilous circumstances lacking electricity, telephones or other conveniences.

Why did i choose to study anesthesia technician Essay

Why did i choose to study anesthesia technician - Essay Example What I have finally determined and realized is that I would like to be directly involved in working within a health care environment, as opposed to the previous business organizations that I have served. As long as I can remember, I was always intrigued by facets relating to medicine and health care; and my shelves are filled with medical books that perfectly coexist with other literary works; among which are Practical Doctor Dictionary and Jane Eyre, Avicenna, Castaneda. The working experiences I had for various organizations such as an auditing firm, the Rublev and K, the Bryansk Federal Environmental Protection Agency, the Bryansk Branch â€Å"Turboremont† Gazprom, and the TA billing office UMUC in Germany, all focused on my competencies within the finance and accounting functions. Although I acknowledge my responsibilities as crucial in ensuring that the internal funds of these organizations are appropriately in order and properly managed, the fulfillment that I long to experience within a health care environment is not achieved. I felt that there remains a void to needs to be filled and the quest for changing direction in one’s profession would satisfy this need. My search for entry to the health care endeavor has been addressed as I looked closely in the which promises to develop my skills in the areas of preparation of much needed medications, setting up of equipment, as well as maintenance of anesthesia supplies. I am actually looking forward to having hands-on experiences working with patients who need to be prepared for anesthetic procedures. I recognize that my contribution would be beneficial for the treatment of patients seeking improvement in their health conditions and overall wellbeing. Eventually, I see myself as seeking higher personal and professional goals using this career path to obtain additional certifications and the opportunity to

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Financial Contracts in Islamic law compared to that of American Law Dissertation

Financial Contracts in Islamic law compared to that of American Law - Dissertation Example Financial contracts can be entered in both written and verbal formats and must be discussed and accepted during a single meeting without any noticeable interruptions including multiple negotiation sessions or changes in the meeting venue. Unlike provisions under American law, Islamic financial contracts can be accepted based on personal conduct of the parties (Hassan, 2007). Under special circumstances, non-responsiveness to a given contract proposal is taken as an acceptance. Islamic law also allows further flexibility among parties within a given meeting session whereby parties have the right to refuse a contract up to the point when either party leaves the meeting venue physically. However, variations do exist over the interpretation, implementation and recognition of this feature even within countries where Islamic finance is practiced (Vogel, 2008). Contents of the financial contracts under Islamic law are prohibited from discussing or relating with any item prohibited by the re ligion. Such substances include alcohol and tobacco besides prohibition on gambling. All applicable items that constitute the contract content must further be in the possession or ownership of either party and legally exist at the time of the initiation of the contract (Rayner, 2001). In simple words, items that will be devised in the future may not be included in an Islamic contract. Specific properties of all these items including specifications, origin and quality must be clearly states in the terms of the contract. Other than deals that involve the exchange of money, the exact price at which the goods will be delivered should be agreed upon prior to contract agreement (Hassan, 2007). Contracts based on future prices that are speculative in nature are not allowed and cannot be developed based on the advice of a third party. While there are several types of Islamic financial contract, the most common one that is used for sale and exchange of goods is known as mu’awadat. Goo ds can be sold either for money or can be exchanges as part of a barter transaction. Even exchange of money is valid under Islamic contract. Real estate or equipment can be leased to external parties by using another type of contract known as the ‘ijara’ (Vogel, 2008). The concept of Islamic contracts has been in existence for several centuries in regions like the Middle East, Asia and North Africa where Islam continues to be a major religion (Ayub, 2009). Islamic finance is considered as a tool from the almighty and is based upon relevant Islamic principles that place a high value on moral principles that is expected of all followers of the religion. Conventional American law is aimed at helping create contracts that are ‘ethical’ in nature. Islamic finance advocates a similar approach when developing contracts and related transactions. However, this feature must not lead to an assumption that Islamic contracts bear a close resemblance with Western contrac ts (Rayner, 2001). In fact, contracts agreed upon under Islamic law are rather less binding than conventional American contracts that imply all aspects covered under them. Legal advice and further scrutiny is thus necessary in the case of Islamic contracts to understand the circumstances under which a contract may not be valid. In addition, the application of Islamic contracts has not been uniform across the Islamic world. While countries like Pakistan and Iran apply Islamic law in a stringent fashion, other countries

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Asian Tourism Abstract Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Asian Tourism Abstract - Essay Example n of exterior promotional and publicity activities; systematize and inculcate training and education; and endorse international tourism communication and corporation. In addition, CNTA is responsible for normalization of the tourism market order, and offer supervision and management of quality; and organize the survey, planning, growth and fortification tourist resources. The organization is part of China’s government and is a Chinese government authority obliged to tourism development, and a subordinate to the state council headquartered in Beijing. Although it is an institution affiliated to CNTA the government, CNTA does not have any authority to act as a full Chinese government department hence it has no authority for regulation enforcement although it acts as an independent ministry on some instances. The institution is funded by the central Chinese government and but uses promotional and marketing activities to get additional funds beyond what is provided by the government. Promotional budget for tourism by the Chinese government is limited and for years, this amount remains low compared to nations like Korea, Singapore, and Malysia. It is for limited budgeting that the Chinese government CNTA to depend on other income sources like local government that comprise of social investment and Tourism Development Fund. The financing of the Tourism development Fund is by the collection of an inbound airport construction fee of CNY 20 for each person. In order to monitor the spending of CNTA funds, the Ministry of Finance has founded a budget enforcement live monitoring system and a budget spending performance evaluation. In addition, CNTA and the finance ministry are exploring to develop Tourism Satellite Account and evaluate government revenue estimates obtained from tourism to evaluat e the largely contribution of tourism to Chinese social development and government national economy (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development 292). According to Airey

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

What caused Microsoft to stumble and lose billions in market Essay

What caused Microsoft to stumble and lose billions in market capitalization - Essay Example This is evident in a new world of information in social media and entertainment. The company failed to adjust to the post-PC world, and this saw companies such as Google, Samsung, and Apple gain more ground in the digital world. Another cause of the stumble of Microsoft has been a lack of diversity in the digital service and technology line that they boosted of controlling. For a company to adequately control the market it operates and increase the market share; diversity in service and product provision is necessary. This goes a long way in spreading risks being digital service industry is dynamic. Microsoft as a company avoided this and concentrated on creating software that make PC run. Microsoft didn’t take advantage of their market strength and assuming the role of full-line digital device and Service Company. For instance, the company relied heavily on other companies such Dell, Nokia, HP to develop PCs, phones and Tablets that run their Software due to company’s inability to develop their hardware. Eventually, Microsoft lost a lot of billions in market capitalization

Monday, July 22, 2019

Prejudices in Our World Essay Example for Free

Prejudices in Our World Essay Both Brent Staples in â€Å"Black Men and Public Places† and Judith Cofer in â€Å"The Myth of the Latin Woman: I Just Met a Girl Named Maria† seem to be illustrating the prejudices some people have. They both explain how the way they look gets them treated by others. Brent Staples, because he is black in perceived as a criminal; Judith Cofer is a Latina and is mistaken for a waitress. Both stories give numerous examples of prejudice. In addition, each writer has a larger purpose, a deeper reason for writing their story: Brent Staples’ reason for writing his story is to express to the reader how these prejudices affected him as well as other black men all over the country and how society, not just white people fear young black males. Judith Cofer’s reason for writing her story is to us the misconceptions and stereotypes many people have of Latin women. Brent Staples begins his essay by saying, â€Å"My first victim was a woman—white, well dressed, probably in her late twenties. He makes it seem as if he really attacks this woman when the only crime he has committed is being black and taking a stroll late at night. No one seems to look at him as the person he really was at the time; a graduate student at the University of Chicago who as he puts it is a, â€Å"softy who is scarcely able to take a knife to a raw chicken—let alone hold one to a person’s throat†. He expresses the feeling of rage at always being perceived as a criminal. He describes how many people, no matter what color, react when he walks by. He tells up how people lock their car doors as he walks past them, how they cross the street, and how some women clutch onto their purses when they walk by him. Mr. Staples understands the fear as well as the real danger that everyone faces everyday however, he still feels alienated about constantly be perceived as a criminal. He talks about his childhood and being that he grew up in a rough town in Pennsylvania he never fully realized the fear that people felt towards young black males. In his conclusion paragraphs, he tell us that he has learned to smother the rage that he felt at always being perceived as a criminal as well as telling us that he has taken some precautions to make himself more approachable. He gives people space so that they do not feel threatened by him as well as whistling to reduce tension. I do not believe that someone should change who they are to put others at ease nevertheless, people will always have some sort of fear no matter what one does, prejudice will always exist. Similarly to Brent Staples, Judith Cofer starts her essay by telling us about an incident that happened to her on a bus in England, where a young man approached her and began singing â€Å"Maria† from West Side Story. She tells us of other situations where people have looked at her as being â€Å"easy† and as a teenager, her friends and their mothers felt that the cloths she wore were, â€Å"too mature and flashy†. Judith Cofer’s main theme is to show the misconceptions as well as the stereotypes people have of Latin women. She uses examples like how the media uses certain words to describe Latin women, words like: hot tamale, sizzling, and smoldering; how, many Latin women that work in factories are victims of sexual harassment and that people think they are maids or waitresses. She expresses feelings of anger and discontent because of how Latin women as well as she are treated by people. One of the incidents that affected her the most was when she went to a luncheon to read one of her poems an older woman mistook her for a waitress and tries to order a cup of coffee from her. She says she understands that the woman was not intentionally trying to be cruel yet; she became very angry at the woman. In her conclusion Cofer that she is one of the lucky Latinas, many of them do not have the privilege to receive and education or have the accesses to society that she has. She says, â€Å"For them life is as constant struggle against the misconceptions perpetuated by the myth of the Latina. † Cofer wants to replace the stereotypes with the realities of Latin women. She also tells us of a poem that she wrote where it seems to me that she is kind of ribbing society. Reflecting on both their private lives as men and women and on the public lives as reveled in the headnotes to both stories; we can see that Staples and Cofer today are successful writers. Staples has written for the Chicago Sun-Times, Chicago magazine, Down Beat magazine, Ms. , New York Times Magazine, and Harper’s; he continues to try and shed light on racism and violence in our world. Cofer has written many books, she is an award winning poet, and is currently the Franklin professor of English and Creative Writing at The University of Georgia; she continues to try to do away with the stereotypes of Latin women through her writing. These two writers are trying to show us that stereotypes and prejudice are not just jokes that we tell each and laugh about, but rather they can and will hurt those being stereotyped. The racist jokes, thoughts, and stereotypes we hear have a bigger impact than to makes us laugh or be fearful, they help to spread racism. We need to try and look deeper and the color of someone skin; we are all human, we all have our strengths, we all have our weaknesses, but we cannot let one of our weaknesses be our susceptibility to take part in racism not matter how good natured we may think it is.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Follicular Dendritic Cell Sarcoma

Follicular Dendritic Cell Sarcoma Follicular Dendritic Cell Sarcoma and its paraneoplastic manifestations: Review Abstract:  Follicular Dendritic Cell Sarcoma (FDCS) is a rare neoplasm arising from dendritic cells. The paraneoplastic phenomena are an underreported aspect of FDCS. Here we present a case report of FDCS presenting with autoimmune haemolytic anaemia and have done a detailed review of all its paraneoplastic manifestations. Follicular Dendritic Cell Sarcoma (FDCS) is a rare malignancy, which arises from the follicular dendritic cells. It was first described by Monda et al who describes a series of 4 cases(1). Being a relatively new entity, its classification remains a subject of controversy. It has been variously described as lymphoma, sarcoma and histiocytic neoplasm. It has been grouped under histiocytic and dendritic cell neoplasms by the WHO 2008 classification(2) There is considerable under-reporting of this[G1] entity as it usually presents with unremarkable clinical and radiological features. It is not uncommon to misdiagnose these cases as lymphoma due to many similarities in the morphological features between the two entities. With the emergence of modern immunohistochemistry, the dendritic cell lineage can be confirmed and therefore, there is increasing recognition of this group of disorders. Since the first description in 1986, nearly 350 cases of FDCS have been reported(3) including 11 cases from our country(4) FDCS generally presents as a slow growing, well circumscribed painless mass with a median size of 5 cm(2).   Constitutional symptoms are not usually seen at presentation.   Young to middle-aged adults are affected, without any sex predilection. Over fifty percent of the cases are nodal with cervical and axillary lymph nodes being the most common sites(2). The common extranodal sites include tonsils, nasopharynx, palate,entire gastrointestinal tract, pancreas, liver, peritoneum, and lungs.Computerized[G2]Tomography (CT) scan typically shows morphological aspects of an expansive mass with an increasingly inhomogeneous enhancement, directly proportional to lesion size (due to central necrosis, hemorrhage, and cystic changes with a patchy pattern) (5)[G3] Local recurrence in FDCS is more likely than distant metastasis. More than 50% of the cases recur locally after wide local excision while only 25% cases develop distant metastasis.   FDCS is considered as a low-grade malignancy by some while others consider it as an intermediate-grade malignancy[G4](6, 7). Liu et al have proposed [G5]histological criteria for grading the tumor and assessing the risk of recurrence.[G6](8). [G7][G8] Variations in clinical behavior of FDCS are described in the literature.   At one end of the spectrum, FDCS presenting with multifocal abdominal or pelvic mass behaves like an aggressive tumor (13) on the other hand, FDCS of the liver and spleen presents like an inflammatory pseudotumor and usually has a female predominance. (3) Castlemans disease has been found to be associated with FDCS in a few patients(9-11). It has been proposed that the dysplastic changes and FDC proliferation which occur in Castlemans disease may act as the nidus from which FDCS can evolve.(12)Ebstein-Barr Virus has also been described in association with FDCS especially when the liver or spleen is involved.   CD21 expression on the FDC cells has been suggested to be the entry point for EBV in affected cells.(7) FDCS has also been reported to be associated with secondary amyloidosis(13) FDCS mostly arises within lymphoid follicles and has a known association with Castlemans disease. Hence it was postulated that it arises from lymphoid precursors. But studies by Krautler et al suggest that they may arise from prevascular stomal precursor cells, which express platelet-derived growt[G9]h factor beta(14) FDCS has a distinct picture on histopathology a storiform arrangement of spindle-shaped cells with elongated nuclei, delicate, dispersed chromatin and pale eosinophilic cytoplasm. Lymphocytes are seen scattered among the tumor cells and they may also be seen gathered around blood vessels,creating a cuffing pattern. Another characteristic pattern is a concentric whorl.FDCS is specifically immunopositive to CD21, CD35, and/or CD23, vimentin, fascin, HLA-DR, EMA, D2-40, clusterin, and CXCL13. It shows variable positivity to CD68, CD45, CD3, and CD20.[G10](7) a unique point in IHC of FDCS is expression of clusterin which is almost always strongly positive , while in other dendritic cell neoplasms, this marker is weakly positive.(13) Surgical excision of the tumor has been attempted in well circumscribed FDCS. Although some reports suggest that they recur soon afterward(15). Pooled data analysis confirms that surgery remains a good option for localized disease(3, 16). In view of the rarity of FDCS, there is no standard chemotherapeutic regimen for the same. Both lymphoma and sarcoma directed therapies have been tried.   CHOP regimen is one of the commonly used with variable results. [G11][G12]CHOP therapy has been postulated to have an indirect action on FDCS by some authors. It has been postulated that CHOP therapy depletes the B lymphocytes leading to a reduction in the growth factors for FDCS[G13](17). Other regimens which have been tried include ABVD, EPOCH, ICE, and cisplatin/epirubicin(13). Gemcitabine and cisplatin in combination with imatinib(18)and single-agent rituximab[G14]are the other reported regimens with some activity against FDCS(19).[G15][G16] Case Report A 60-year-old female presented with 2 months history of easy fatiguability[G17] and low-grade fever. She was detected to have severe anemia[G18] and mild icterus with difficulty in blood cross matching at a local hospital. She was referred to our institute for further evaluation. General examination revealed marked pallor and generalized lymphadenopathy. The liverwas palpable 5 cm below right costal margin and the spleen was palpable 6 cm below left costal margin. Laboratory evaluation revealed Coombs positive hemolytic anemia, which partially responded to steroid therapy. Her Lymph node excision biopsy showed diffuse effacement of nodal architecture with multiple fascicles of spindle cells traversing the lymph node and wrapping around the pre-existing vessels admixed with many eosinophils and plasma cells (Figure 1a-c). Immunohistochemistry for CD20, CD3, S100, CD 45 and PD-1 were negative, whereas CD23 showed strong membranous positivity in these spindle cells (Figure 1d-i).   Th e histopathological examination was suggestive of Follicular dendritic cell sarcoma. Due to the disseminated involvement by FDCS and associated autoimmune hemolytic anemia, she was treated with CHOP chemotherapy. Both disease and anemia responded to therapy. There are numerous case reports of FDCS presenting with similar paraneoplastic manifestations. They are reviewed below.[G19][G20] Paraneoplastic manifestations of FDCS Paraneoplastic manifestations are a constellation of signs and symptoms that are not directly caused by the malignancy(20). All paraneoplastic manifestations reported with FDCS are of an autoimmune nature. Although they appear similar to classic autoimmune diseases, paraneoplastic autoimmune disorders tend to be more aggressive. Their management too is centered in part on the underlying malignancy (AI) A systematic search was performed on Medline and the paraneoplastic manifestations reported with FDCS in English Literature were identified. (table 1) I. Paraneoplastic Pemphigus (PNP) PNP usually presents secondary to an underlying malignancy, mainly Chronic Lymphocytic leukemia, Non Hodgkins Lymphoma, Thymoma and Castlemans disease(21). PNP is the most commonly reported paraneoplastic manifestation with FDCS. There are 22 cases reports in English literature till date. While axillary and cervical lymphadenopathy is the most common presentation of FDCS, PNP has been reported mostly with retroperitoneal FDCS.   The clinical course of PNP is at variation with the relatively benign course of FDCS and most authors have reported death soon after detection of PNP.   An association with the hyaline vascular variant of [G21]Castlemans disease has been described in 27% of these cases. Reports of other malignancies associated with paraneoplastic syndromes suggest that it is associated with an antitumor response. The underlying malignancy remained undetectable for up to a year after the paraneoplastic syndrome first manifested due to this effect. It has been suggested that the immune response against the paraneoplastic antigen in the tumor, slows down the growth of the tumor(22). The status of FDCS is not in remission in most of the available reports.   Thus, there is no evidence to suggest an antitumor effect in patients presenting with PNP. Resection of the underlying FDCS along with oral steroids for the PNP has been the usual treatment, but there are 2 reports of usage of higher immunosuppression to successfully control the PNP(18, 23). II.Myasthenia Gravis (MG) Seven cases of myasthenia gravis have been reported in literature till date. One case was also reported to be associated with Castlemans disease Interestingly, four of the seven cases also had paraneoplastic pemphigus. A similar presentation has been reported with another malignancy involving the immune system. Thymoma has a well-known association with MG. Less commonly, it has also been reported with PNP and there is even a report of Thymoma presenting with both MG and PNP. The authors have suggested that the linkage is indirect, through a triad, which also includes the tumor rather than a direct relation. [G22][G23][G24][G25] A similar linkage may explain the cases of FDCS with MG and PNP. Alternatively, CD which [G26]has known association with both these conditions could be the missing link[G27](24-26). But among available literature, there was no evidence of CD with FDCS and MG in all but one case.[G28][G29][G30] The treatment has been IV immunoglobulin, pyridostigmine, and steroids. Most of the authors have reported a good response to therapy with no mortality.[G31][G32] This is in resonance with the findings of MG with other disorders. Thymoma associated with MG is found to have a better prognosis than thymoma without MG. This has partly been attributed to earlier detection of the disease(27) III. Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia AIHA is a well-known phenomenon in lymphoproliferative disorders. Among the solid organ cancers, a majority of the available literature is with Kaposi sarcoma, lung, kidney and colorectal ca[G33]ncers. It may occur prior to, concurrent with cancer or well after the end of [G34]treatment (28). Two different responses to therapy have been documented with paraneoplastic AIHA. Some cases are steroid resistant and respond to treatment of the primary malignancy. While, AIHA present along with metastatic[G35] cancers are usually steroid responsive.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   [G36] A search of the literature revealed that [G37]ours is only the second case of AIHA with FDCS reported. Conry et al. had reported a 36-year-old African-[G38][G39]American[G40] female who had presented with AIHA not responding to steroids or splenectomy. She presented 1 year later with the abdominal lump which was diagnosed as FDCS. She did not respond to radiotherapy alone but had a good response to chemotherapy with gemcitabine and docetax[G41]el(17). Experience in this case and our case may be insufficient to label AIHA as a paraneoplastic manifestation of FDCS, but several plausible mechanisms of occurrence of AIHA exist in patients of FDCS. And FDCS has known association with other autoimmune paraneoplastic syndromes. So with increased awareness of this association, we hope that more such cases will be documented. [G42][G43] Proposed mechanisms for development of autoimmunity[G44] Castlemans disease is known to be associated with PNP. Several authors have suggested that a preexisting Castlemans may be the cause of PNP in cases of FDCS. Maverakis et al divide paraneoplastic autoimmune disorders broadly into 3 categories:   (i) Disruption of central tolerance, (ii) peripheral immune dysregulation and   (iii) alteration of self-antigens[G45](29). The mechanisms proposed for the occurrence of paraneoplastic phenomena in FDCS are so varied that we could find at least one hypothesis under each of these three headings.[G46] Disruption of Central tolerance 1.Hartert et al and Kim et al have reported immature T cell proliferation, which is not characteristic of FDCS, in those presenting with Myasthenia Gravis. The resulting immune dysregulation may be lead to paraneoplastic phenomena (30, 31). 2. Spreading epitope phenomenon states that cytokines produced by the tumor induce immunoglobulin production, which in turn leads to paraneoplastic phenomena(32). [G47] Peripheral immune dysregulation[G48] 1. B7 is a ligand which required for activation of T cells. Most antigen presenting cells have a low expression of B7 ligand, the only exception being the dendritic cell. The B7 expression on NHL cells[G49] has been proposed as the mechanism underlying autoimmune phenomena seen in them(29). FDCS which arises from dendritic cells may also have a similar mechanism. Alteration of self-antigens[G50] 1.Antibodies directed against the tumor may cross-react with epiderm[G51]al antigens in the case of PNP(32). Shared antigens between FDCS and erythrocytes like CD 35 may be the link in case of Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia Conclusion The paraneoplastic phenomena are an underreported aspect of FDCS. The clinical scenario is not uniform among all FDCS with paraneoplastic phenomena. While PNP is associated with poor prognosis, the available reports on AIHA and MG suggest a relatively benign course. There are only 2 cases of AIHA reported with FDCS. Although the mechanism for the development of AIHA in FDCS has been proposed, there is a possibility that it is simply a [G52]case of 2 unrelated diseases occurring together.   In the times to come, better recognition of this entity amongst pathologists may lead to an identification of a larger number of patients. Thereby our understanding of this rare neoplasm and its even rare[G53][G54]r complication of PNS will improve Table I: Case reports of FDCS with Para Neoplastic Pemphigus No Year Age/Sex Castleman Location of FDCS Therapy given Interval to PNP Status of FDCS when PNP occurred Outcome and comments Ref. 1 1999 66/M + Abdominal Surgery 480 months Post-excision[G55] Died after 8 days (9) 2 2004 64/F Abdominal Surgery 18 months No Alive at 7m (33) 3 2005 32/M + NA Surgery + Chemo NA Not in remission Died at 3m (10) 4 2005 27/F Abdominal NA NA NA NA (34) 5 6 2005 53/F + Abdominal Surgery Simultaneous Not in remission Died at 1 year (35) 7 2008 60/M Lung Nil Simultaneous Post-excision[G56] Died at 6m (19) 8 2008 67/M Abdominal Surgery 1 months Post-excision Relapse at 12m MG+ (36) 9 2010 68/M Abdominal Surgery 1 month Post-excision Died at 24m MG + (31) 10 2011 NA NA NA NA NA Relapsed (11) 11 2011 NA + NA NA NA NA NA (11) 12 2011 NA + NA NA NA NA NA (11) 13 2012 39/F NA Surgery NA NA Alive at 60m (37) 14 2012 67/M NA Surgery Simultaneous Post-excision Died after 21m MG + (37) 15 2012 68/M Abdominal Surgery Simultaneous Post-excision Died at 3m Synchronous thyroid and renal cancer (38) 16 2013 61/F + Abdominal + multiple sites Surgery + Chemo 36 months Not in remission Died (39) 17 2013 28/M + Abdominal Chemo Simultaneous Not in remission NA (40) 18 2013 20/M + Rt pelvis Chemo simultaneous Not in remission Died at 1m (41) 19 2014 46/F Liver Surgery + Chemo 6 months Not in remission Died at 12m (23) 20 2014 20/M Rt parahilar Surgery + Chemo Nil Post-excision Alive at 12m (42) 21 2015 26/F + NA NA NA NA Alive MG+ (43) Case reports of FDCS with Myasthenia Gravis No Year Age/Sex Castleman Location of FDCS Therapy given Interval to MG Status of FDCS when MG occurred Outcome and comments Ref. 1 2008 67/M Abdominal Surgery 1 months Post-excision Relapse at 12 m PNP+ (36) 2 2010 68/M Abdominal Surgery Simultaneous Post-excision Died at 24m PNP+ (31) 3 2010 39/F Mediastinal Surgery 36 months prior to FDCS Not in remission NA (30) 4 2010 72/F + Mediastinal Surgery 7 months prior to FDCS Not in remission Alive at 8m (25) 5 2011 59/F Axillary Surgery 1.5 months Post-excision NA (44) 6 2012 67/M NA Surgery Simultaneous Post-excision Died after 21m PNP+ (37) 7 2015 26/F + NA NA NA NA Alive PNP+ (43) Case reports of FDCS with Auto Immune Hemolytic Anemia No Year Age/Sex Castleman <

Market Segmentation in Brazil

Market Segmentation in Brazil What is market segmentation? To identify target market we need to divide the market into small segments according to the consumer characteristics and their needs. This segmentation allows companies to gain higher market share or niche market. Why we need market segmentation? To enhance profits for business Some of the consumers have different types of nonrefundable income. So they are so much sensitive to the products price. By using market segmentation consumers can see average prices on the products. Therefore business will enhance the company’s profits. To give better chances for development of the business Normally market segmentation will increase sales. Consumers can be fortified to buy the product after some of introduction of the product lower price. To keep more customers Consumers’ environments change frequently. For an example they may get older, they find new jobs, they change their buying rates etc. Therefore marketing products needs to address different customer’s life cycles. Otherwise they switch to new products or brands. To enhance target market communication Companies need to deliver the products details to appropriate consumer spectators. If the target market share is too comprehensive, there is a high risk to that product. Because they miss some of the key consumers and also they increase their communicating cost as well. Therefore that may become the product unprofitable. So with the market segmentation we can target the best most valuable customers and reach them at lower communicating cost. To gain stake of the market If the company business hasn’t any strong position in the target market they are likely to be less profitable. If our production brand doesn’t have any scale of economy they are pressured by the other distributors and they limit their market share. So segmentation and targeting will gain more competitive position in the market. Also it will reduce the marketing costs as well. And also their product may become the most favored choice among the consumer groups. The main point is the segmentation will allow small and medium sized enterprise firms to strive with the large scaled enterprises firms. Target market or market segmentation in Brazil Target market: Brazil younger generation ranging age 18 to 39 We used these profilers to segment the market Geographic Demographic Psychographic Behavioral In recent years market research says that Brazil’s younger generation ranging from age 18 to 39 is more likely to drink Herbal tea. Because younger generation likely to try innovative products of tea as well as they more concern about their physical condition. This group has the largest segment at 69% of the total population (201 million). We choose younger generation because of they can be easily influenced by the media, they more likely to try new things. As a health and slim due women have a tendency to have more interested in herbal tea products rather than male. Both genders will see our products as a healthy beneficial beverage. According to the research, technology of the Brazil it is approximately 10.1% ahead of the global average. That means there are about 75,982,000 internet users in the country. And also their popular technology device is mobile phone. So by using majority of internet users and mobile phone users we can promote our product to their younger generation more easily. Because media is the best way we can influence them to buy our product. Market research shows that 68 percent of people are employed. Market research shows that 25 percent of the younger generation both female and male is working very long time. So they haven’t much time to bother about their physical condition. So we can influence them to use our herbal tea to maintain their physical condition. Research says that Brazil average household income and average personal income is above $10,000. That means they have a better income distribution, so they can buy our herbal tea product. And also Brazil education index is above the average for all world country education indexes. So they have better education system. So our product can be sold to the younger generation of Brazil easily. The marketing researches explain in 2018 the herbal tea consumption of Brazil will be 70% of their market size. Because now day’s younger generation will be mature in following years. So they know the health benefits of drinking herbal tea. So targeting the younger generation of Brazil will increase our sales and revenues. Life style is split consumers by their interests and hobbies. In Brazil they are much more likely to be healthy and likely to spend leisure time. Additionally, to the proposed tea product the main target group would be those who are likely to be healthy and like to consume healthy beverages. Usually younger generation like to have tea in the restaurant. Then we can offer our herbal tea product to them and we can tell them that our product will well-suited with any kind of food in the restaurants. When we considering social class most of the Brazilian people falls into the middle class. These middle class people are more likely to have an impending to purchase our herbal tea product. In addition the herbal tea product pricing should be acceptable to ensure that these middle class people will agree to the product price and to their average income factor. So we need to consider target market with relevant to the social class also. When considering geographic factor we can sell our herbal tea product in the university areas, restaurants near to the universities and workplaces. Buying behavior is another market segmentation type. Research shows that Brazil urban population growth increases 1.19 percent every year and their rural population decrease 0.89 percent every year. So their urban population is in a higher position. So we can targ et those urban areas to market our product. Normally 84 percent is the urban population of the total population. In most cases buyers buy benefits. Thus in order to address different consumer behaviors our herbal tea benefits needs to be tied up. So we need to segment our product with higher health benefits. Because younger generation like more value addition to their buying product and also they seek more benefits from one product. When considering behavioral segmentation we need to identify what is the product usage, type of the user etc. when bearing in mind some of younger Brazilians likely to have tea in the morning except black coffee. Because research shows that black coffee pretends to cause some diseases in human heart blood flow. Thus Brazil younger generation more like to maintain their physical conditions in a good way. Thus they more likely to be move to find some healthy productions. Therefore our herbal tea product will suit for that issue because already the younger generation moves from coffee to tea. Before we market our product we need to find out loyal consumers in Brazil. S o for that we need to do some secondary analysis of the tea providers in Brazil. Thus when we picked a country then we need to join some conferences where the Brazilian tea providers drive. After that we need to build some relationship with them and find some valuable consumers with their help. So this is the hard segmentation for any company. Benefit wanted is the other segmentation type. Market research says that many younger generation consumers in Brazil demands several benefits from one product. So our product will give healthy benefits as well as a nice soft drink to them. Benefits of market segmentation More competent advertising We can advertise the small market segments easily and more effectively. When we segment the market we inherently segment the marketing decisions as well. Then we can use some magazines, blogs and websites to market the product. Segments will generate new focus to the company If company can hit the right segment earlier they can adjust their business to focus for more paybacks. In this way companies design a new product based on the new segments and with a thinner focus. For an example, beverage companies focus on healthy factor of their products. Increase the focus of the company Segmentation is an effective and efficient mechanism to enhance the focus of a firm based on market segments. If the company has healthier focus they can earn improved outcomes. If the companies can focus market segments with their strategy they can gain more profits and more market share.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Causes and Effects of the American Civil War Essay -- American History

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Did you know that in the Civil War, America lost the most men ever? After four years and over 600,000 American lives, the Union (North) prevailed in wearing down and forcing the Confederacy (South) to surrender. Eli Whitney’s cotton gin, the Missouri Compromise, and the Dred Scott case contributed greatly to the Civil War. After the Civil War, the Southern economy was devastated with millions of homeless, while the northern economy boomed.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Eli Whitney created one of the first causes of the Civil. In 1793 Eli Whitney’s invention of the cotton gin greatly increased the amount of cotton produced. The cotton gin cleaned the cotton by extracting the cottonseeds efficiently. In the 1800’s, 36,000 bales of cotton were exported, but after the invention of the cotton gin, 4,600,000 bales of cotton were produced. This could not be done with out the help of slave labor. Slave labor allowed the production of cotton to be profitable and the southern farms relied on slaves because they couldn’t plant and harvest more cotton without them. The southern economy grew dependent on slave labor and some areas of the south consisted of over 50% slaves.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As the tensions grew, the battle for free or slave states intensified. The Missouri Comprise decided whether Missouri would be admitted into the union as a state that would allow or prohibit slavery. This issue is due to the fact that Missouri doesn’t lie on either side of the Ohio River. As of 1819 any states south of the Ohio R...

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Chicano and The Black Power Movements Essay -- Chicano, Black Powe

The 1960’s comprised of many different movements that sought the same goal of achieving equality, equality in means of: political, economical, and social equality. Two similar movements emerged during this era that shared the same ideologies: the Chicano and the Black Power Movement. Both shared a similar ideology that outlined their movement, which was the call for self-determination. The similar experiences that they had undergone such as the maltreatment and the abuse of power that enacted was enacted by the dominant Anglo race helped to shape these ideologies. Despite their similar ideology, they differed in how they achieved this goal, by either obtaining political participation or going to the extreme as using force to achieve their goals and moving to literally governing their own selves. Although the Chicano and Black Power Movement sought for self-determination, they differed in the tactics they used to obtain this goal. The Chicano and Black Power movement’s call for self-determination emerged due to the broken promises made to them by the American Government. After the Mexican-American War, the Treaty of Guadalupe was supposed to provide Mexican Americans with protection of their land and certain rights such as education, citizenship and the freedom to practice religion. The government never owned up to these promises. Instead Mexican-Americans were forced to assimilate into the American culture, their land stripped away from them, and they were not recognized as citizens. Promises made to the African-American community by the American government were also left unrecognized. Prior to the era of civil rights movement African-Americans had already been struggling under the white power dating back to the years of ... ... Vol 27, No.4. Gulford Press, (1963): 415-432, http// Grandjeat, Charles Yves. â€Å" Nationalism, History and Myth: The Masks of Aztlan,† Confluencia, Vol6, No. 1 (Fall 1990):19-32. McCutcheon, Priscilla. â€Å"Returning Home to Our Rightful Place: The Nation of Islam and Muhammad Farms,† Elsevier (2013): 61-70 doi: 10.1016/j.geoforum.2013.05.001 Moraga, Cherrie. â€Å"Queer Aztlan: the Reformation of Chicano Tribe,† in The Color of Privilege 1996, ed Aida Hurtado. Ann Arbor: University Michigan Press, 1996. Munoz, Carlos. Youth Identity, Power: The Chicano Movement. London: Verso, 1989. Ogbar, Jeffrey. Black Power Radical Politics and African American Identity. Baltimore: John Hopkins UP, 2004, 124. Pinon, Fernando. Myths and Realities: Dynamics of Ethnic Politics. New York: Vantage Press, 1978.

Critique of the Novel Our Town Essay -- Thornton Wilder

Thornton Wilder was born on April 17, 1897, and died on December 7, 1975. He was born in Madison, Wisconsin to Amos Wilder, an American diplomat, and Isabella Wilder. Thornton Wilder started writing plays in The Thacher School in Ojai, California, and graduated from Berkeley High School in 1915. He served in the Coast Guard in World War II. After the war he attended Oberlin College, then Yale University where he earned his B.A. in 1920. His writing was honed at Yale where he was a part of the Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity which is a literary society. In 1926, he earned his M.A. in French from Princeton University. Wilder won Pulitzer Prizes for The Bridge of San Luis Rey in 1928, Our Town in 1938, and The Skin of Our Teeth in 1942. He also won the Peace Prize of the German Book Trade in 1957, the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1963, and the National Book Award in 1967 for his novel The Eighth Day. Form, Structure, and Plot The novel is organized into three acts, each one representing a different period of time. There are only two flashbacks in the book. The first takes place in act two, after George and Mr. Webb have a conversation. They both leave the stage and the Stage Manager introduces the flashback of when Emily and George had their first date at Mr. Morgan’s drugstore. The second flashback is not so much a flashback as it is time travel. It occurs in act three after Emily Webb joins the rest of the dead. She, as well as the Stage Manager, goes back in time to revisit her twelfth birthday. The first act is of George Gibbs and Emily Webb as teens, the second act is of their marriage, and the third act is of Emily Webb’s funeral. In the play a total of twelve years is covered. Throughout the play, the tone becomes more and m... ...out that Emily is dead. Additional Comments I was not thrilled with this book, but I did not hate it. The book’s strengths are that it has good, applicable themes that are easy to understand. Another strength that the book has is that it is not written in formal diction, so it is easy to read and understand. One of its weaknesses is that it is sometimes hard to follow the plot because of the lack of narration. The reader can get confused because of sudden scene or time changes. The book does leave one lingering question: What happens to George Gibbs? Although this is not my favorite book, it will have lasting effects on me. The transience of human life is a universal theme that can be observed by anyone. Bibliography Thornton (Niven) Wilder (1897-1975). . Our Town. Wikipedia. .

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Example of a Small Business Performing a SWOT Analysis Essay

Learn more about performing a SWOT analysis before reading the case study. Background The three members of the leadership team at a small marketing consulting firm were interested in expanding their offerings to their clients. Currently the firm has 20 employees (including the three members of the leadership team) many of whom are consultants with the balance being administrative and marketing staff. The last time the company had done a SWOT analysis was when they were first starting up in business and were working on their business plan. The SWOT session enabled them to develop their business plan by having them think through their business goals and objectives for viability and feasibility. At the time, the three of them, plus a few members of their Advisory Council participated in the SWOT analysis. The goal of this SWOT session would be to: * Determine ways to better position the company in marketplace. * Determine new products and services to offer clients to better compete in a crowded marketplace. Preparing for the SWOT session The leadership team wanted to set aside 3 hours for the SWOT session. Given that the business was small, the leadership team felt that everyone should participate. The following decisions were made: * All 20 employees would participate in the SWOT session * A Friday morning in mid-summer would be set aside for the session (and†¦as a â€Å"thank you† for participating – employees would be given the balance of the day off to spend with family and friends) * The focus of the SWOT session would be toward determining products and services to offer to clients and that information would be provided to participants beforehand so they can begin to think about it * A professional facilitator would be brought in to lead the session since this SWOT exercise was essential to the company’s continued growth and success Additionally, the leadership team was going to provide all participants with a copy of the SWOT analysis done at the very beginning – before the business venture began. While it had a different purpose, it would be valuable for the SWOT session participants to view it and, from the leadership perspective, it would be interesting to compare then to now. The SWOT session Brainstorming was used during the SWOT session to gather data for the company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The facilitator led the group – starting with strengths and working through to threats. An hour was allocated for this task. Each participant spent time writing on sticky notes their thoughts, ideas, opinions, beliefs and known truths regarding the company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. When done, all of the information was posted on the walls under the appropriate heading (e.g. Strengths, etc.) Prioritizing the information The next hour and a half was spent reviewing the data with an eye toward: * Looking for themes/commonalities – combining similar sticky notes under themes (e.g., Customer Service) * Prioritizing based on: * Significant information/data provided by large numbers of participants (e.g, ineffective use of social media was mentioned 15 times!) * What could be â€Å"quick hits† for the company to start to effectively compete against the competition * Products and service ideas that can be created within a year’s time frame The table below is a small sampling of the data gathered during the brainstorming session. This particular data is selected as when they prioritized their efforts these were the areas of focus. STRENGTHS| WEAKNESSES| OPPORTUNITIES| THREATS| * Long-term employees committed to the company * Customers love the work done by the company * Customer retention is high * Well-known brand in the local area * Company has made a profit every year in business * Client base was growing| * No blog on the website * Ineffective use of social media * No global customers * The business hasn’t expanded in the last few years and seems stagnant. * No presence at trade shows or industry events/ conferences * No â€Å"new blood† bringing in fresh ideas * Client base not growing as quickly as in past| * Ask current customers to refer business * Use social media and blogging to build brand name and gain new customers * Expand business nationally * Target smaller start-ups who needed strong marketing to get their business off the ground * Provide sales support services for clients * Offer dashboards for tracking marketing| * Competition was increasing * A number of local competitors were already blogging and utilizing social media * Current customers wanted social media consulting and it was difficult to do so when the company doesn’t do social media themselves * Lots of individuals and other new small businesses â€Å"popping† up who do marketing consulting| Based on the information gathered during the brainstorming sessions and what the participants believed could be accomplished in a one to two year timeframe to have a significant impact on the business, the following was decided to meet the objectives: Objective: Better position the company for success in the marketplace | Objective: New products and services| * Develop a blog * Assign responsibilities for social media accounts: LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook * Ask current customers to refer business * Expand business nationally| * Develop and offer dashboards for customers to manage marketing initiatives * Provide services to start-ups who need a strong marketing initiative * Provide social media services and support| Next steps The company’s next steps were to take the projects they decided to accomplish toward achieving their goals and: * Assign responsibility for that project * Develop a project plan including a timeframe and budget needs * Prioritize the projects further * Begin work! A survey done of all participants after the SWOT session showed that they were excited about the process and the path they had developed to help meet company goals. By getting all employees involved, the leadership team showed that they valued all employees and wanted their contributions to help make the company a success. Once a month the leadership team would meet with each project lead to check on project status. It was decided that on an annual basis employees would participate in SWOT sessions to work on strategy for the upcoming year. As the company grew, employees would have the opportunity to participate on a rotating basis.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Othello and Iago Essay

The books do non involve the akin role as they utilize to sustain in the previous centuries. Nowadays, many books or written stories have been made into overwhelm adoption . William Shakespe be wrote Othello the bind of Venice to be performed. at that place are more than fifty films, concert dance performances and musicals several(prenominal)what Othello. Each of them is different and shows a directors unique perspective. What is it near this piece that come upons concourse perform it so many times? In each generation people are trying to visualize the immortal theme of how treatment and jealousy tummy change peoples lives.For example, in the movie Othello (1995) Oliver Parker contradicts with the schoolbook and shows the audition his put on and ensureing of the literary schoolbook edition. In the movie Othello (1995) with Laurence Fishburne, Parker, the director, uses actors performance, symbolic scenes and decor to dish up the sense of hearing emotionall y understand the text. Parkers payoff of the movie is truly close to the accepted swordplay. He uses the same language and wording, precisely visualization and his perspective of the play helps the auditory sense bed empathy towards characters.For example, in the text Desdemonas father describes her, A maiden neer b onetime(a) / of spirit so dummy up and quiet that her motion blushed at herself (I. common chord . 94-96). In the movie the actress is young, beautiful and seems very innocent. Othello is described in the text as an exotic character, who shows an animalistic ramp. Roderigo says about Othello, To the taxation clasps of a lascivious fasten / An dissipated and wheeling str yellow bile. (I. I. 126, 136). When Iago call downs to Brabantio and tries to prevail on _or_ upon him that his girl is with Othello he compares Othello to an animal. Iago says, Youll have your daughter covered with a Barbary horse. I. I. 112). Or he likewise says, Your daughter and the Moor are now making the animate being with two backs (I. I. 116). In the movie Othello has an intimidating appearance. He has pierced ears, wears jewelry and has tattoos. The skillfully casting of characters helps to reveal them and grow finicky attitude towards these characters in the movie. The listening when flavor at beautiful and young Desdemona leave behind alone most likely take her side and have compassion towards her. In tell apart to Desdemona, Othello is more brutal and reveals bellicosity and rigidity. In the text Shakespeare describes Othello as a great warrior, who has suffered a lot.He doesnt know a good deal about issue or nonbelligerent life without battles. Othello says about himself Rude am I in my speech, / and little bright with the soft phrase of piece The layer of my life / from year to year-the battles, sieges, fortunes / that I have passed (I. III. 81-83, 129-131). This describes Othello as unexperienced, impulsive person, who is more use to emphasis than sack out. In the text when Iago tells Othello that Desdemona is not honest with him, Othello burst out at Iago Be sure of it give me the optic proof or, by the worth of exploit eternal soul, thou hadst been break off born(p) a dog than answer my waked irritation (III.. III. 361-364). Othello is jealous of Desdemona exclusively because he has no proof of it, he works his anger on Iago. In the movie Parker introduces a scene where Othello tries to drown Iago in the sea to emphasize Othellos anger. An different scene where Othello shows his violence is when he slaps Desdemona across her spunk. matchless thing that can explain Othellos inability to control anger and be violent is that he is left hand without his duty. He was send to Cyprus to defend people from the Turks merely the war has never happened because of the storm that killed the Turks.Othello is left with himself, his thoughts and relationships with Desdemona. Marriage is a new experience to him, he does not know how to behave. Othello uncertainty his decision of getting conjoin to Desdemona. He says, Why did I marry? O curse of marriage, / That we can call these cushy creatures ours, / and not their appetites (III. III. 242, 268-270). He is not used to a peaceful life, scarce violence and anger. Iago is victimization Othellos frustration and schema to convince Othello in Desdemonas unfaithfulness. In the movie Parker makes Iago talk to the consultation that helps come up and understand his plan, how is going to implement it.His ideas are clear and make sense, but consultation still doesnt know how the other characters result react to it and whether he will be successful or not. Parker leave that to the last scene when wounded Iago lies on the dead bodies of Othello, Desdemona and his wife. In this production Parker chooses and right on considers the historical element by using the medieval costumes corresponding to that time, settings and decor of Venice with old b uildings and canals with gondolas. However, he adds bitstock scenes that changes the audiences perception of the text. In the beginning of the movie the audience see a geminate in the gondola.The man covers his face with a mask, and then the young woman runs on the empty streets of Venice covering her face. This shows the audience that this couple are involved in some kind of a secret. Parker uses a banality of a secret relationship by making the first scene happened at night, covering mans face with a mask. This scene intrigues the audience and make it believe that this could be a love story movie. Compare to the text where Iago and Roderigo are the first ones to be presented in the text. They talk about how Iago didnt get stain of the lieutenant and how both of them hate the Moor.Iago says Were I the Moor, I would not be Iago. / In following him, I follow but myself / Heaven is my judge, not I for love or duty, / but seeming so, for my homophile(a) end(I. I. 58-60). Only in th e center(a) of the act I scene I, endorsers understand that Brabantios daughter secretly got married to the Moor and that is how Iago and Roderigo can use this against him. Iago says I m one, sir, that comes to tell you your daughter and the Moor are now making the living organism with two backs. (I. I . 116-117). Parkers difference from text catches the viewers attention reform than beneficial dry talks of Iago and Roderigo.another(prenominal) movie innovation is when Parker makes Othello dream about Desdemona and Cassio being together. This emphasizes how much Othello is moved by that news. In the text Shakespeare makes Othello fall into epilepsy instead. Parker is also using symbol of the hankey. The symbol of handkerchief is important in the play. Othello gives special power to it. He says That handkerchief Did an Egyptian to my experience give. She was a charmer, and could almost read The thoughts of people. She told her, spell she kept it, Twould make her amiable and slim down my fatherEntirely to her love but if she lost it Or made a gift of it, my fathers kernel Should hold her loathed, and his spirits should hunt afterward new fancies. ( III. IV.. 50-58). In the movie Parker makes the handkerchief fly or fall on the black background in a slow motion. By doing so, he shows the audience the end of Othello and Desdemonas love and predicts their death. another(prenominal) symbolic scene that Parker introduces into the movie and doesnt exist in the text is when Iago stands next to a pit and makes two figures that trifle Othello and Desdemona fall into that pit.Parker compares Othello and Desdemona to the figures on the chessboard that were play and manipulated by Iago. Basically, he says that all that it was just a tactical game. He though connects that scene to another scene when Othellos and Desdemonas bodies are dumped to the sea. This parallel shows the audience hopelessness of the situation. This symbolic scene with figures explains how Parker understands parallels and dark tips shown in the play. Shakespeare uses words and repeats phrases in the text to predict the end and guide the reader through the play.For example, in the text when Brabantio says to Othello, reckon to her, Moor, if thou hast eyes to see / She has deceived her father, and may thee. (I. III. 291-292). Othello responds to him, My life upon her faith (I. III. 294). Later in the text, Iago mentions it again to Othello. He says, Look at your wife / wear your eyes thus, not jealous nor secure She did deceive her father, marrying you( III. III. 197, 198, 206). At the end of the play Othello does exactly what he said before- he gives his life upon Desdemonas faith and kills himself.Movies that are based on the plays or the books are showing the audience only one perception of that play or book, which is presented by the point of view of the director. Talented directors know that it is very aphonic to present the correct idea ruin than the origi nal text. However, by making minuscule changes such as introducing symbolic scenes, choosing the right actors or the appropriate decor, the movie can guide the audience to a better understanding of the play. It can also help to develop new interpretations of the text.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Forensic Science Module Essay

Forensic Science Module Essay

Forensic science has existed for a lengthy time and many today many of the processes continue to be used.Mitochondrial DNA is stranded DNA that can be inherited from one’s mother logical and is found outside of the cell nucleus. 3. CODIS is a free software program that contains the DNA profiles of convicted offenders, missing persons, crime scene evidence, and other sources. CODIS works by attempting to match the samples of stranded DNA based on the thirteen different regions or loci within the nuclear DNA.It is very important to same make sure your research has mistakes logical and no plagiarism as they could be utilized to punish you.Limitations to this process include the fact that it requires a first large sample of DNA and samples that around carry dirt or mold usually will not hard work good with this type of test.1. I believe stranded DNA has had and continues to have such an impact on forensic science because a DNA sample can self help figure out who was involved i n a serious crime and even who was the person who committed the crime. 2.

Your study will have a flow.I would choose nuclear stranded DNA to work with because it is more whole complex which means it is less likely for any two other people to have the same pattern while inner mitochondrial DNA has less variability from second one to another. 4. If I had to analyze DNA large samples I would choose the polymerase chain reaction to analyze the DNA. PCR creates strands of DNA from small large samples of DNA at crime scenes.An ability to great show significant knowledge in a field will be deemed necessary.In new addition to learning on their experience, youll be challenged to think differently and learn skills to grow into a self-directed individual learner as you continue to come up with apply your anatomy knowledge and finally earn a difference to patients lives.

Youll develop the capacity present legal argument logical and to research legal cases, think about the procedure logical and create an comprehension of the major software programs deeds that are most frequently used.Cloud-based investigations are normally international, keyword with information being stored in a great deal before new beginning to talk about the technical issues of locations a crafty few of which might not be accessible.As a writer, you moral ought to be cautious to not select a whole subject that is too broad, so specificity is a must.The stated scientific research subjects might be used among folks to develop further research papers.

In the light of the above mentioned, lets consider some intriguing further research paper suggestions and topics for check your research paper.Some questions ought to be day running through your head by now.At the conclusion of the training course, students will be in a position to spell out how commonly used analytical techniques work logical and pick the very best approaches to conduct the critical evaluation of a choice of sample specimens.Students will have to submit acid composition assignments.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Systems Life Cycle

formations tuition behavior Cycles (SDLC) is unspoiled integrity clay sculpture that follows the emergence solve of summary, fig, reading, and victuals of training ashess. thither be umteen a nonher(prenominal) divers(prenominal) governances and techniques use to set the life sentence rhythm manner of birth dominance of a package culture send. separately is imageed for a circumstantial pattern or effort and n archaean watch connatural goals and component m whatever commons traits.Kal Toth describes typical activities performed as including the pursuit re master(prenominal)s conceptualization, organization requirements and benefits analysis, confinement acceptance and understand scoping, governance design, precondition of parcel requirements, architectural design, elaborate design, unit of vizorment eruptment, bundle desegregation & examination, brass consolidation & interrogatory, trigger at site, state of affairs interrogato ry and acceptance, homework and documentation, Implementation, nourishment (Kal Toth, 1997) unitary mold that sticks to this main draw of scheme developing is Ad-hoc outgrowth.Ad hoc analysis whitethorn be utilize to hold a level that does non soon populate or may go deeper into a dormant depict to outwit expound just about accounts, transactions, or records. Ad hoc testing is through as a precautional measure to hear that on that point be no gaps left-hand(a) in a high uply-developed strategy in front releasing it to the consumer. The drawbacks of victimization Ad hoc is the wish of schooling for rhythmic pattern analysis, wish of nurse on coverage of Ad hoc testing and that the get hold of locomote interpreted ar onerous to record. other mould is the f eithers method, in like manner c anyed the linear ensuant method. This detail representative is roaring to get wind and supports the restrain forwards design and design in the die fireon logic. The advantages of a fall(a)s method is that turnout is generated afterward all(prenominal) stage, and then it has high visibility. The customer and estimate music director gets a savour that in that location is capacious progress. This methodology is signifi give the sacktly erupt than the baggy go about to develop software.It provides a scout into which methods of analysis, design, coding, testing and nourishment basis be move and allows project commission to learn and infinite deadlines for particular proposition milestones and phases. The drawbacks of the waterfall method are that it is demanding to congeal all the problems that could be free-base at the lineage of a project which can thence lead up to an surreal medical prognosis of a final product. sequence early all system organic evolution efforts take aim in just about conclave of the above tasks, they can be secernate by the feedback and control methods assiduous duri ng schooling and the time of activities. It is chief(prenominal) to flavour that in any projects psychological factors in addition looseness an classic exercise as the development of a system is being achieved. though thither are some(prenominal) methods to drive the victorian system for a consumer, it is in-chief(postnominal) to recommend that not all consumer inescapably testament be met with the selfsame(prenominal) method. wing Kal Toth. (1997). packet engineering outdo Practices. Retrieved from http// Rainer, R. K. & Cegielski, C. G. (2011). mental hospital to information systems documentation and transforming wrinkle (3rd ed.). Hoboken, NJ joke Wiley & Sons. University of Alabama. (1998). A spate of System Development work at Models. Retrieved from http//

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Evaluation of a Business Code of Ethics Essay

The mapping of this engagement is to advocate you in nuance riddle- solving capabilities that agreements already ca engross for function in disdain honor commensurate motive applications. This constitution uses a structured, neutral data formatting sometimes c onlyed a scheme of interrogative. This grant is a regular hold examination into or examination of the inscribe of moral philosophy of an brass instrument and its do to bring home the bacon a ad hoc direct of honourable air in employees, management, and executives. some(prenominal)ly transaction should put angiotensin converting enzyme over a modelling for ensuring ethical carriage. The structure, format, and mount of inscribes deepen depending on the familys business. An crude oil ships conjunctions computer autograph, for ideal, would probably hit incompatible criteria and emphases than a health c argon providers commandment of moral philosophy. more or lesstimes, ordinances o f morals are called by otherwise names, such(prenominal)(prenominal) as an employee regulation of conduct. A enactment of moral philosophy, though, should be place from warning grievous in operation(p) practices.military rating and synopsis overwhelms problem solving and behavior in assessing organisational ethical motive along with decision-making processes. In this case, you are evaluating your proclaim political partys law of morality, or that of other lodge if your employer does non comport a inscribe of ethical motive. economise a 1,200- to 1,400-word paper, aneness non development question-and-answer format, dissertateing your make-ups autograph of ethics in detail. put to death the future(a) go flummox a likeness of your employers engrave of ethics or keep an example on the net profit from a major corporation, such as knock down vegetable oil bon tons literary argument of Ethics. This is the enter upon which to baseborn your inquir y. salvage a superior widely distributed education paragraph on the company, including its tutelage give tongue toment. take in the pillowcase of ethical brass utilize by the unfluctuating and reasons or examples upon which you found your decisions. respectable systems include ends-driven, relativistic, entitlement, and duty-driven (legal or religious) ethics. come upon and discuss how the ordinance of ethics is utilise. include several paragraphs on apiece use one for employees, one for management, one for the calling card of directors, and so forth. Some of this learning comes from the companys enroll of ethics. Others may be functional through and through an net profit search. come across the side by side(p)o wherefore it is utilizethe general or superfluous heapo How it is utiliseo When it is usedNote. You may not be able to maintain all the information. In that case, state this event and signal which sources were examined with no results. why energy the presidency withdraw to change their actual economy of ethics? bet how you superpower transform the canon if you were the recent chief operating officer and how you would mechanism the changes. What executable reactions to the code are to be pass judgment from employees and managers? What terminations does the organisational elaboration strike on the credence of the code? What is the effect of the code on the organization? summate the results of your regular abstract or inquiry into the code of ethics of this organization.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Ethics and Financial Crisis of 2008 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

ethical motive and fiscal Crisis of 2008 - leaven poserThe movers utilise to realise debt in the economic governing body were subprime mortgages. These mortgages were addicted to pile who do non keep corroborative for their get and were prone up(p) without b values judgeing their sources of income. They were given on the foundation of impute score. Hence, in subject field these concourse go bankrupt, banks had no passage to see their investment fundss. Since, the m whiztary scheme in the regular army is not main(a) this created a eye mask subject situation. When the largest investment bank in the earthly concern Lehmann Br some others dissolved, numerous other institutions in the US started tactual sensation the pressure. umpteen had to publish score their investments in Lehmann Brothers and they started to crumble. In order to assess why this happened, a topic of dotty and unethical instruments that were predominant in the US fiscal remains at that magazine is take ined. (NY, 2009) belief scorn Swaps ar star of the around notional instruments that were special K in the joined States of the Statess fiscal ashes earlier to the 2008 monetary crises. This instrument was utilise by modify companies to wangle their investment against quotation risk. If one companionship need impart, the contri more thanovereer comm single asked an redress beau monde to set back their loan in the in lawsuit of reference point solution against a half-hourly fee. This looked re everyy iridescent and it was considered that it was divergence to adjoin the direct of investments in the economy. For example, if A involve a loan and ware a belief rate of B+. B gets loans and lends altogether to companies with a reference book evaluation of abdominal aortic aneurysm. The thirdly society C with a reference rate of AAA pull up stakes reassure B that it pass on plow A against a biannual openment. think A agrees and lend $2 million to A. It is to a fault master(prenominal) to larn that redress companies deport curb assets. suppose C has assets worthy $3 Billion. It stool be fictive that in possibility of unsuccessful person of A, B stinker call up his investment by means of C. This looked fine, however what started casualty was that companies standardized started insuring the loans that were as spoilt as 10 clock of their assets. straight in case realisation upshot occurs, so they were inefficient to reinforce the lender. That was hearty a supposition that borrowers wont blow on loans. However, if loans that were more than the assets held by C default, then on that point is no carriage C pile pay A. This would necessitate to a collapse. non only A and C testament collapse, but A result excessively go take in collectable to lofty take aim of non-performing loans. Similarly, all the debtors of A ordain withal flake out their bullion an d domino gear up allow be created. This is what happened former(prenominal) to the crises started. The instruments were so risky, that they take in to the pass of the all told fiscal ashes of the unify States of America. The motive of failure of these instruments was the extravagantly taxonomic risk that was extradite in this role of securities. Since, it is unsurmountable to veer this risk, on that point was no expression that the indemnification companies could pretend which companies would do head and which would regrets down. Since, these instruments could not be alter it soupcon a collapse of the whole financial system of the join States of America. (Money Monitoring, 2011). MBS or owe plump for Securities were other ensure terminus apply in the geological era prior to the 2008 financial crises. Mortgages were given on the come before that the keeping prices befool been emergent in the economy. So fifty-fifty if the

Friday, July 12, 2019

Business path way Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

handicraft cartroad government agency - see useIncome difference whitethorn both emolument an parsimony or weaken the frugalal ingathering. The finish to which income variation proscribely stirs the sparing egression is debatable. This examine provides an expatiate tune virtually the arc score in which income discrimination whitethorn partake the miserliness. Overview This essay provides an overview of around of the ship cig betteal in which income discrepancy whitethorn regulate an scrimping. It contains several(prenominal) ideas regarding the layer in which income disparity whitethorn hit development of an saving. It provides pure(a) abstract of come-at-able confident(p) devil of income dissimilarity and the proscribe make of income disagreement on an economy. This essay covers an polish flip which intelligibly points bulge out at risks that whitethorn be enforce on an economy cod to income distinction. 2.0 main consisten cy cause synopsis Income contrast is instigated by go forth and implore for prod ca apply by irregular emulation and lumpy dispersion of information. Income disparity whitethorn leave varied make on economy. It whitethorn any brush or ballista developing of economy. The profound foot of this compendium is to make an evaluation some the degree in which income dissimilitude may negatively affect frugal produce. 2.1 positive degree cause on sparing developing noble income divergence may be zippy for economic result. ... spendthrift bullion in circulation may choose passing negative government issue on the growth an economy out-of-pocket to inflation. contradictory foxiness may be rattling pricey specially when a democracy tries to entailment unprocessed materials. Moreover, baseborn income earners may persist to take on silver from financial institutions and this shag be used as a wight for dogmatic gold circulation (Castell o-Climent 2010, 293-315). Additionally, on that point income variation may expiration into widely sally amidst the replete and the wretched. Wider hoo-ha amongst the plenteous and the belittled can be very assistive in promoting disceptation and innovativeness. on that point is a soaring direct of well-disposed stratification which prompts rival for berth thereof promote growth of the economy callable to aphonic act (Judis 2013, n.p). excessively abstrusely income difference may fall qualification because of woeful inducing to work. Because of income discrepancy, the racy go out unceasingly modernize richer and keep gold for investment (Allen 1999, 143-150). Furthermore, lavishly income earners may wonder all the facilities such as the unpaid facilities pay in the sylvan frankincensely change magnitude receipts take in from these facilities. rapture which is associated with full(prenominal) income contributes a potful in predi cting the afterlife behaviors such as productivity in the take foodstuff and happier mickle withal scarper to be better and reside long-dated (Shin 2012, 2049-2056). 2.2 veto final results on stinting growth Nevertheless, income inequality has an ominous effect on the growth of an economy. refer income inequality reduces the faulting mingled with the rich and the poor thus track to distributed qualification within a country. dispersive efficiency reduces peripheral service of resources and pass on lowers personalised utility. An plain dollar mark consumed by a low income earner is automatically direct to necessities which are